Wednesday, June 4, 2008

the smallest butt in the house...

The person with the smallest butt in the house has the biggest stuff in the house..
my sister came over last night and we dug the baby stuff out from under the stairs.. she thinks both DH and are amazing tetris players because we packed stuff in so well.. she never would have known there was as much under there as there was..

the list includes: the crib, mattress, changing table, pad, stroller, car seat & base, swing, exersaucer, walker, 3 large boxes of toys, a bunk bed for her current bed, a toddler bed, a regular car seat, 3 air conditioners, 2 fans, 3 suitcases and the doors that need to be rehung..

to quote my sister, "I thought I was bad, but your shit has shit".. to which I responded, yes, but I stack and pack it better.. she almost DIED laughing.. I do. I really pack and stack stuff really well and try to be organized just so I can fit more stuff in.. Honestly, this is the last time I will have to pack and unpack baby stuff.. when the new little one outgrows it.. out it goes! either donations or resale.. I don't care.. I want it GONE..

but back to the point of my blog.. at best, this baby will be about 8lbs when she arrives.. and her butt will be tiny and cute and all this stuff that we need for her is HUGE! and running a muck in my basement.. I am trying to get rid of things and make room for other things.. but we have too much stuff.. just too much..

another problem we have at this moment is that I can't do much at a time and can't really move anything INTO her room until my brother paints.. which won't be until next week.. Tuesday.. so we have to select paint this week, buy it, find the paint stuff and then let him paint.. then DH. promised to put things together, at least the changing table.. this will allow me to unpack and put things away.. getting rid of a ton of boxes and make space we need.. so it's really only going to be nuts for week.. but when you are already feeling nuts, living in nuts space makes like a little challenging.. but it is only a week..

I really can't wait to see her cute little butt either.. so tiny and sweet... just like all of her... I know that I have been complaining about being pregnant and all the stresses that naturally come with that, but all the other things too... but I am sitting her just giggling as she moves about my belly.. rumbling, kicking me.. putting pressure on my back and hips.. I giggle because in less than 4 weeks I will be holding her and smiling and changing her little butt.. it's worth it.. I know that.. even if sometimes it doesn't feel like it is.. babies are truly wonderful miracles and while I really can't wait to greet mine -- I am willing to hold out until she is done cooking.. until then, I get to enjoy the rest of this bumpy crazy road.

If I knew better, I would be relaxing longer than I am, but I need to make about a million phone calls..

:) Monique


Anonymous said...

Wow, how did you fit all that stuff in there? I bet you feel better having it out, makes you feel even more prepared, even though it isn't set up in the room yet. I was always so fascinated watching my belly move, when older dd had the hiccups---all the time. Loved your post!


Annette33 said...

I finally registered for an account, so that I don't look like anonymous.

cz scrap said...

Sounds like a lot of nesting is going on......folklore says do not get rid of all baby stuff-if you do, you will get pregnant which is why at the ripe old age of 52 I still have one maternity dress and a changing table packed in my basement-lol!!!!!!
Like Annette, I finally got an account too!

weebles said...

heheh.. rest assured, I am purging all baby things as I go..
and I am taking measures to be sure that no more little feet come into this house..

glad you both signed up too..