Sunday, June 29, 2008

one last post...

This is the last post as a mommy of one..
tomorrow is the big day, most of the list got done.. and what didn't, didn't..
I refuse to stress over it... no one will notice anyways..

I am typing a list of directions for DH now and then I am finishing one last load of laundry..
hoping for a 10pm bed, but it is honestly looking more like 10:30.. but that is the latest..
5 am comes pretty early.. well, more lke 5:30..
I am very much excited and so it all of my little family.. tomorrow, in less than 12 hours, we will be a little bit bigger and I will be a little bit more comfy.. TRULY... can't wait..
seeing my precious little angel, what ever her name might be.. will be worth it all.. I know it will..

post again in about a week or so..
:) Monique

Saturday, June 28, 2008

the list.....

the list of things I want to do is much longer than the list of things I can reasonably GET done...
I would love to have my house all cleaned up before I leave, I sorta feel like I want things together and looking somehow, people will be at my house while i am in the hospital..
UMmm.. not going to happen.. and if we do happen to have visitors here afterwards, if they can look into the sweet little face and then comment that my floors are less than perfect.. they have issues.. NOT ME..

but I do have things that need to be done-- many just because it is going to make DH's life easier.

1. laundry -- getting some of it done..
2. clean the bathroom
3. quick vaccuumm all over, which I think DH is actually going to do.
4. clean fridge
5. trash
6. dishwasher run
7. grocery store
8. stop at the mail box
9. lists of things for DD instructions -- dad's never pay attention to all the little things you do, like brushing a girl's hair BEFORE she goes to bed because it makes the knots easier to get out in the am.. DD has longish thick hair and this can be painful in the am..
10. iron & match up clothes for DD for summer camp..

do these things HAVE to be done.. NO, they don't, I know I will feel better resting if they are.. and DH life will just be a little easier.. Miranda is promising to help..

we have been invited to a dinner to visit with an out of town cousin, and I think even though we won't stay long, we are going to go.. just a chance to get out and also, I can not have to cook dinner, so I can run the dishwasher earlier and empty it before bed.. hmmm.. might all work with my evil plan at attempting to acheive perfection... might just work..
either way, at some point tommorow.. I can getting ice cream.. preferably with strawberry sauce and whipped cream.. nuts would be a protein bonus... we'll have to work on making that one happen most of all -- should definitely put that on the list...

If I knew better, I would be cleaning up from my day out scrapbooking.. but I need to switch laundry and head to bed.. this is going to be my last night to sleep, last night to sleep in (Sunday is DH day to sleep late) and get a great night sleep.. things are about to change.. and I being a person who is never good with change.. I am genuinely looking forward to it :)

:) Monique

Friday, June 27, 2008

two days...

that is all I have left.. and I am truly grateful.
did the whole pre-op stuff today.. blood work etc...
I am still carrying this little one so HIGH, that I doubt she will be here before she is evicted on Monday..
DD is kissing up my belly all the time now, DH is talking to my belly all the time now..
we are all just ready to meet and greet the newest member of the family..
looking forward to it too..

I am very uncomfortable, I have a basketball between me and everything else that I do.. literally, the baby is still very very high.. I long for the days of my pregnancy with first DD, she was breech and her pelvis rested so nicely in mine, while I was sicker over all with her, atelast I didn't feel this way at the end.

DD wants to play on the computer.. so I am off..
we are seeing Wall-E when DH is done with work stuff.. she is so excited..
:) Monique

Thursday, June 26, 2008

the good & the bad..

Yesterday I felt good.. really good.. but also spent time resting.. that is all good..

today, I feel lousy. just contractions, pain, discomfort and yuck.. that is bad..
I am still resting alot (good) and not getting the small list of things I have to do --done (bad)

my last card swap came in and I swapped out and ran to the post office and got them all out (good)
also got some swaps I was responsible for in the next few months out (good)
and sent off a package to my May secret pal (good) and sent off some RAK's (Random Acts of Kindness) to some wonderful women on the dmarie message board (felt VERY good)

dh job.. well, his boss (bad, so very very bad)

my splitting headache (bad)

getting Dh in his walking cast to the x-ray place -- hopefully today (good)

feeling like this sweet little angel of mine might actually come early (good ... very very good)

If I knew better. I would be laying down for a few minutes before picking up DD and taking DH for his x-ray.. but I still have more emails to read...

more another time..
:) Monique

Tuesday, June 24, 2008


I don't know what it is, maybe I rested more today than I have been, or maybe a good mood swing or maybe I have just accepted that this baby is not coming until Monday when she is evicted...
either way, I am feeling much better than I have been lately... not tons, but I am just.. accepting it better.. who knows..
my only wish is that I could sleep better.. I really have a hard time with that.. I will definitely be taking my doctor approved Ambien tonight.. I need it..

on a good note, DH got a walking cast from the foot doctor today.. we are were both so grateful.. we woo hoo-ed in sync ... the doctor laughed as he walked out to get the cast.. he is so excited.. he is walking on it some and using one crutch.. so proud of him.. the doctor said that he really was a great patient about it too.. he said that the amount of swelling change was huge.. he could tell that he was being good, staying off it, resting, elevating, using the bone stimulator, etc.. it was a rough time, but he did it.. and tonight, while I was picking up my sister at the airport (which, by the way is a HUGE story in stupidity, best saved for another day, since this is supposed to be a positive post) he took out the trash.. I was so nervous, glad I was not home to witness it.. but he was proud of himself and DD was thrilled that she helped too.. they both felt like they had done some major chore.. and you know what.. they did.. I think that is the job that I hate doing the most since his foot has been broken.. we have to go for another x-ray soon, hopefully tomorrow, and see for real how things are doing.. :) so happy for him.. okay, me too..

tomorrow I have my last baby appt. with my dr. sorta' exciting, with DD, she came that night, because he told me that she wasn't going to come until he delivered her.. can I say that would ROCK, but I am NOT holding my breathe.. like I said, it's all about acceptance right now..

I made plans to take DD out with her little friend for dinner.. chicken nuggets.. AGAIN.. I plan to do better with her diet after the baby gets here.. some things are just not worth the fight.... but this week she licked a nectarine & a plum.. not a bite, but a lick.. both need to be noted on the calendar as something new.. she is not the fruit eating type, so this was HUGE for her.. trying to get back to the one new thing each week for the calendar... trying.. it is all anyone can really ask for...

one last thing that I have started to accept is that the baby's name is making me NUTS.. we have been using her name when we talk to her in my belly, or talk about her, her things, and all of that.... but it is bothering me.. we might be changing it.. I am waiting until I see what she looks like and go from there..

oh well..

If I knew better, I would be still be sitting her relaxing, blogging and doing yet one more load of laundry... trying to keep up with that as the week goes on.. on less thing for DH to do next week.. but we'll see..
:) Monique

Monday, June 23, 2008

officially ready

Okay.. this sweet baby can officially come ANY DAY NOW..

Today, I did all the things I needed to get done at home.. and while I still have a sink full of dishes to do, they will wait until tomorrow..

1. the laundry is done.. it's really caught up as much as I can be..
2. my bag is completely packed for the hospital - I picked up a prescription for lip medication today, just in case I need it.
3. DH reassembled a newly cleaned up car seat and promises to hook it in properly in the AM.
4. baby's room is done, all her laundry is clean and we have all we really need to get us started, except a tub, but I have hinted to my sisters that I need one, and my older sister plans to take my daughter shopping when she comes home for the holiday weekend.. don't need a real tub right away ANYWAYS.. and my other sister is buying me more bibs.
5. DD clothes are cleaned and ironed.. DH just has to let her pick out an outfit to wear... I have at least 8 outfits ready to go..
6. camp directions and lunch box directions are taped to the fridge
7. bottles are washed and drying as we speak
8. I am printing out the list of phone calls for DH to make at the hospital, well the numbers at least..
9. my immediate bag with disposable camera, health insurance and medical forms is hanging on the banister next to my suitcase..
10. the house is reasonably cleaned..
11. there is food in the house to get them by and enough snacks for DD lunch box too..

seriously, NOTHING is undone.. so anytime...

If I knew better, I would be saying that I am thinking optimistically for the first time in a while, but let's not get ahead of ourselves..

:) Monique

Sunday, June 22, 2008

t minus one week..

One week from tonight, I will be going to bed early for an early morning wake up..
I have to be at the hospital for 7 am to have this beautiful baby girl.. I can't wait to see her...
I am not the praying type, really, it's just not in my nature, my mom would be quite disappointed to hear me admitting that.. but she knew before she passed how I felt..
either way.. I PRAY for her to come early.. I really have nothing left..
I am spent, miserable and really ready to pick a fight with the next person who starts ANYTHING with me.. my daughter is as sweet as sweet can be, but I have very little left and even she is starting to wear down my patience..
I am tired, really really tired and fed up with things that are just beyond my control..
I can't change my situation and honestly, I am getting nervous because there is soon to be one more person who needs me.. and probably needs me the most...
but I won't be pregnant any more and I think that will help enormously.. because right now... I feel enormous.. mind you, I am lighter than when I started and I am thrilled, but I am carrying high and OH FORGET IT...
I have complained about all of this before, probably even for months..

So to all you women out there who love being pregnant.. my hat is off to you.. may you ride yourself happily into the warm sunset with your large glowing belly, me, I just want my beautiful baby OUT!

if I knew better.. I would be in bed already, but the laundry, dishwasher and camp lunchboxes waits for no mommy, no matter how pregnant she is..

Good night.... I am off to take my sleeping pill because without it, I can't get any sleep at all anymore..


Friday, June 20, 2008

Catch up...

so I fell off the blog wagon for a while.. I was good and then whenever I sat down to blog all I wanted to do was complain about being pregnant and figured that no one, including myself needed to read that, so I skipped it..

To catch up, we saw my dr. on Tuesday and things look good, I lost another 4 lbs. and the baby is still getting bigger -- so woo hoo and yeah.. but I am really starting to feel the necessity to be done.. my coping skills with just about everything are starting to waver and as much as DH wants me to wait until the 30th to have the baby, he can see how truly unhappy and I am hopes like me for the baby to make her way any day now.. even the woman who does the pre-stuff for my dr. says that she can see it all over my face that I am just ready to be done.. I think the worse part for me is that my headaches, which I don't think I have mentioned before, are back.. I suffer from headaches that can blow up into migranes.. fortunately, the migranes have been at bay for a few years, but the headaches do come and go.. but atleast they go.. I saw 3 neurologists and had physical therapy for about a year.. the headaches lasted just about 2 1/2 years.. chronic daily headache, eventually, I gave up on the medications and therapy and just accepted it.. either way, they are back and I am back on tylenol pretty regularly..

I also got the cleaning bug, decided yesterday that my living room & kitchen needed cleaning, and when I clean these rooms, I do it all, move things around, dust, etc.. took me just over 4 hours because of the constant start & stop with rest breaks, but it's done.. and while it felt good to be a in a clean out, the pain settled in quickly, left me dizzy, tired and pain...

the contractions are back and not just form all the housework, mostly at night, when I am supposed to be sleeping, I have tons and tons of pressure and then contractions start.. not enough to send me to the hospital, but enough to keep me up, constantly going to the bathroom and just overall pain and uncomfortable...

and today, when I get up to get Dh a drink he looks at me and comments something about me being really pregnant and looking like twins.. JERK! mind you, I am wearing these overall shorts, while not the most flattering look for a pregnant woman or a woman my size, they are super comfy and just plain wonderful to wear.. well, I have popped and am carrying high so I look HUGE and the overalls just emphasize it.. it's okay, I have 9 days until my c-section and I am officially 22 lbs lighter than when I started this pregnancy and I look HUGE, aren't I supposed to?? either way, I didn't need DH to point it out.. he feels bad but enjoyed the giggle..
I know he didn't mean it meanly, but in the last 2 days, I really have popped...

also, the baby is moving tons and tons.. today while sitting on the couch, Dh laughed because he could actually see my belly moving all on it's own.. he slide over on the couch and felt the kicks.. and really enjoyed them.. yeah, from the outside they are all fun and silly, try them from the inside buddy.. we are thinking or estimating that she will be about 8lbs or so.. DD was 7 lbs 3 oz.. we'll see.. I keep hoping that her kicks will get my water breaking sooner and then she comes right away... fingers crossed..

dh job is still his job...

but our car is getting fixed today and apprarently, the work to be done is covered under our warranty, so only 2oo bucks, as opposed to something much much higher.... soo, finally some good news ...

well, other than the bad sandwich I had today, that is just about it..(I hate it when you order a sandwich, all excited and totally into it and they mess it up, but you don't realize it until you are home and sink your teeth into it.. seriously, who eats grilled pepper chicken with spicy cheese and lettuce and honey mustard.. so not what me or the baby was craving.. even DH didn't like it.. YUCK... I am so done with that place..

okay.. off to do other things.. my brain is fried and I am tired of just about everything, so I don't think I could know any better on any subject right now..
:) Monique

Monday, June 16, 2008


I feel just that today. I haven't done anything other than bring Miranda to school.
and I could go upstairs and just sleep.. and I took something to help me sleep last night.. so I know that I slept okay... I am just plain tired and despite my ice coffee intake for caffeine, I feel a big headache coming on... I really don't like this feeling at all...

I have a long list of things I need to get done, like finding out about dental since Miranda needs to have her teeth cleaned and checked, she is growing in a new tooth before the other one falls out (no dental is another jewel in dh's work issues).. I need to have my car checked for air conditioning and a whole host of other things.. but I just can' t keep my eyes open...

I am so ready to be done.. I know I complain about this all the time.. but lately I am ---
it won't be easier once she is here, but I won't be so internally drained...
please come soon baby girl.. please..

:) Monique

Sunday, June 15, 2008

another sunday..

We are totally being slackers... well, I am not.
I have done 3 loads of laundry, cleaned off the table, emptied recycling, loaded the dishwasher, stripped dd bed and plan to start another load of laundry in a few minutes.. the weather has dropped by about 30 degrees from 100's to 70's and I am making the best of the weather.. rest breaks are still often, but trying to get things accomplished so I am not sweltering..

dh is a hurting until.. putting the crib together put his foot in some weird spots.. we tried doing some shopping but the wheelchair did his arms in.. so he is resting and relaxing as he should, it is father's day..

the cold wet is keeping DD in and playing with her pony toys right now.. after I am done laundry we are playing some games and then have plans for a late lunch / early dinner for Father's Day.. should be a good time.. Friendly's is where I THINK we are going.. nothing fancy, but it comes with ice cream.. so yeah!

yes, this is a boring day here, quiet and loaded with nothingness, but I being as tired as I am, I am not compaining.. (I was up 8 times to tinkle last night and had quite a bit of discomfort )

If I knew better, I would be taking a nap, but DD needs some attention too..
:) Monique

Saturday, June 14, 2008

he did it!

DH put all the furniture together.. the baby's room is just about done..
I am making up the crib with the blanket and cutsie stuff in a few minutes..
I am so excited.. putting the furniture together was tough on him.. but he did it all without complaining...

DD and I wiped down the crib, changing table, drawer unit for the closet, etc and actually started putting things away.. I am losing the playroom, gaining a huge mess all over my house, but I am gaining a whole bunch of empty rubbermaid boxes that I can use to clean up and restore things..
Plus.. my baby has a nursery.. a space, just for her (well, she is sharing her closet still - I am not that good)

if I knew better, I would be jumping for joy, but the contractions are hitting my back today and I am hurting.. I am off to relax and then go do some shopping for some little things we still need..

any time now I can have this baby.. I am officially READY!
:) Monique

Friday, June 13, 2008

getting it done -- the update...

Okie dokie - update time..
1. rip cd's and fix up my ipod for my sister.. well, I did do what I was supposed to but my ipod died, dh is working on what happened.. so sad, I was looking forward to using it to take the baby for walks this summer... oh well.. she bought something new and we loaded it up for her.. she is happy..

2. find the screws for changing table and crib.. :)
find the changing table screws & DH put it together.. we need to find ONE wheel.. or replace them all.. I will have to update later - since it will depend on motivation levels..

3. do a load of baby laundry..
done.. I did the bedding for the crib, of which we think we have the screws but can't tell if we have the all the pieces.. that will be tomorrows project..

4. pay bills & hit the mail box.
nope.. not even close.. unless you count the 3 I did on line..

5. clean up some in my house..
I am calling this one a pregnancy weirdo day.. I felt very light headed and just not myself.. I had hysterical fits of laughter..I mean, serious almost wet my pants sorta thing.. kinda funny.. DH thought at one point if I started with the munchies he was going to question whether or not I was stoned.. I promise you I wasn't.. just weirdo time today... so I rested on the couch more..

Hoping to be productive on Saturday, Miranda really wants to get the baby's room more organized and wants to help with clothes & such.. so we will definitely be doing that.. and we are talking about hitting the playground too.. so she can swing on the monkey bars.. should be fun..

off to do something.. who knows what..
:) Monique

getting it done...

well.. the baby's room is painted.. it's sooo pretty. I can't remember the name of the paint, but it is a pinky-purple color from Behr at Home Depot.. All I have to do is wash the window and vaccuum.
DH is promising that if I find the screws he will start putting furniture together..
my baby will have a space -- just for her.. Wow that feels good..

I need to start getting a few more things done.. but unfortunately, my feet are swelling really quickly during the day and I need to be off them more.. probably doesn't help that I could eat those high sodium Combo's all day... seriously, these things are NASTY, but OH SO DELICIOUS.. I need to write these things down and put them in the baby book.. pregnancy cravings change like the wind around here.. gone are the days of cereal and whopper jr's.. here to stay is the watermelon, well, fruit in general, but watermelon especially, it gets the baby moving and wiggling when she has been quiet for too long.. nice to have a tool like that I can use.. helps on days when contractions are strong and her movements are small.. :) Sue me, I cheat! but I digress, I need to lay off the salt.. period.. even though my blood pressure is fine, low in fact, the swelling stinks..

so, in between resting times today, here is a list of things I need to get done..
1. rip cd's and fix up my ipod for my sister.. silly me thought she was leaving next week, she wants this thing TONIGHT since she leaves Saturday at 6am.. so music is top priority

2. find the screws for changing table and crib.. :)

3. do a load of baby laundry..

4. pay bills & hit the mail box.

5. clean up some in my house..

I am limiting it to 5 things for now, just because 5 things allows you to do something, but not everything, still rest and feel accomplished.. I am off to start music.. if I can remember how.. DH might be traveling down stairs soon, whether he likes it or not!

I am off to have a productive day and get it done -- what ever it might be..

if I knew better, I would still want to do this much.. maybe I will add packing my hospital bag to the list, this way I will be truly ready to go.. but then I need to get the car seat cleaned too...
oh man this list is getting longer and longer...

:) Monique

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

It's been a good day...

seriously, today has just been a good day... my feet are finally starting to swell, which isn't so great, but it won't ruin my happy day parade..

the morning started when I woke up and it felt cooler in the house.. we have air conditioners in the bedrooms and those are great for sleeping, but the house felt cooler, and there was a breeze.. AHH.. thank you weather for a break... much appreciated..

Then, I go into DD room to start waking her up while I start getting DH into the shower, she is just laying there, quietly, wrapped up in her green sheets reading.. well, her reading the story I just read to her last night.. Shoes From Grandpa my Mem Fox.. the woman is an australian writer and my sister in law sent her a collection of the books for her birthday, we are just getting to reading them.. but she was happy and content and reading.. I am truly grateful that I have such a large collection of children's books.. My daughter LOVES being read to and LOVES all her books.. she treats them well and will sit and listen or lately, reads to me.. LOVING that.. I hope it is something that stays with her forever.. Such a great thing for her learning.. another plus to the day..

the morning went well otherwise, normal stuff got done.. a mild meltdown over DD belt being too tight and resulted in losing her quarter for the morning, but still worked out well.. even DH had time to eat.. Got her to school on time and while we didn't have time to stop at the library and police station before we went to the dr. appt, it was okay.. DH did have time to get a coffee and I got a rather dry but still delicious muffin from Dunkin Donuts.. another good thing..

Dr. appt went well.. I did gain back one lb, which is for the baby.. loving that.. my dr. asked me to check my cervix, I declined the offer.. he like me, feels this baby isn't going anywhere anytime soon.. I appreciate that he didn't check.. I doubt that I will get the offer next week.. we talked about me moving my c-section to the other hospital and we talked about plans.. we were able to address my DH need for a wheelchair since the crutches are not sterile and the OR might not be happy about that.. but no need -- they will have a chair for him.. works out..
Another thing my dr. informed me of was that he is doing my surgery and then leaving town.. I laughed and said no, because he would have been delivering me the following day if we hadn't switched hospitals.. he said NO, because he canceled all surgeries for July 1 since he is going out of town.. so he is seriously doing MY surgery and then leaving.. otherwise, I might have had to wait an extra week and that would have STUNK.. so.. more good news...

we went to wal-mart and I did what I needed and got a few things for DD lunch box.. things that won't melt in this heat.. come to find out.. she likes chocolate teddy grahams again.. WOO HOO.. 2 points for me.. and I have refound Combos.. those nasty cheese filled pretzels.. OH SO YUMMY right now.. I am thinking that they might be up there with watermelon..

then to the book store, just sat in a comfy chair, quietly and looked at magazines.. if you have never indulged in this luxury.. do so.. it is wonderful.. DH and I used to more, but today was just perfect day for it.. afterwards we had lunch, not a big one, we split a sandwich at Boston Market.. worked out great.. just enough for both of us.. another good thing..
we even had time to hit Home Depot to buy the paint for the baby's room.. a perfect shade of pinky purple.. not the one we originally agreed on.. it's less purpley and more pinkish.. not that that statement makes any sense.. but it a good thing.. My brother is coming tomorrow to paint for us.. OH another good thing.. moving in a direction where the baby things will be IN the baby's room and out of the rest of my house.. DH promises to start putting furniture together this weekend.. or sooner if the painting is done..

then off to do the taxes.. we did what we could of them.. Accountant suggests waiting on a few things and filing and ammendment.. but we are getting a good amount back.. good thing we both filed zero-zero.. maximum deductions means more back.. so things are good there and he feels that we should still get the stimulus check.. Umm.. if things improve.. HELLO mini-vacation in the end of the summer.. YEAH! more great news..

after a short rest at home, I make it over to the police station to drop off the accident report, where the cop was in a great mood and giggled at my pregnancy with me.. so nice to have that experience.. then books to the library and get DD from school.. where I then treated her to a Lemonade Coolatta.. a frozen lemonade treat that they sell at Dunkin Donuts... she loves them and today was a good day to treat her too..

No one was hungry for dinner, so it was a quick and easy one.. Miranda was thrilled.. chicken nuggets and an attempt at a veggie.. not a great attempt.. but an attempt.

then while I was cleaning up the baby's room some, the LSS called and told me that I won the Memorial Day Prize Package.. and DD was more excited than even I was.. I even got quite a lot of work done in the room so that I have less to to tomorrow..

all in all.. a very good day.. one both DH and I deserved....

If I knew better, I would wish for the same tomorrow..but I am not being greedy.. today was great.. just the way it was..

:) Monique

Tuesday, June 10, 2008


there are so many things that I am just done with...

1. my portion of the taxes are DONE... I am the one who keeps all the records in my house, receipts, bills, etc... so I do the tax totals.. everything is done.. DH gave me his stuff, my business stuff, house stuff, medical stuff.. all of that is DONE.. I know that every year I say that I am not going to let things get behind, but you always do.. this year, I have helped myself.. I sit down once a month and write it down in my notebook that I keep with the bills.. what we paid out to medical, dental, house, claimable, etc. so far, I am caught up to May, when June is done, I hope to do it again.. this will be helpful in filing from now on... once a month I put a date on the calendar and just do it, oh it will be easy next year.. as long as I continue to make the time.

2. I am done with my Close to My Heart Business..I spent alot of money on that stuff last year and never really did much with it.. home businesses are not a good match for me. I am just not with it.. but I refuse to take the fall completely.. I worked full time for most of last year, I was pregnant in the fall and had an ailing uncle in the winter & spring.. and now.. well I am just to pregnant to think...

3. I am ready to be done being pregnant.. I am just uncomfortable all over and my back is starting to hurt too.. I know that this is the plight of pregnant women suffering the heat everywhere.. but I feel like I have a hard basketball between me and all I do. The contractions come the minute I lay down and this means when I try to sleep. I am not hungry, but eat because I know I should.. mostly the good things for me.. right now, that means a TON of watermelon.. this stuff is the nectar of the GODS and the baby likes it too.. How do I know, she gets all wiggly everytime I eat it.. Last night, I was up at 3:30 because she was pretty quiet before I went to bed and I hadn't felt her move, so DH suggests I get up and get a drink, when that didn't work I went for the watermelon.. I know that food cravings and over eating are common for pregnant women -- but seriously, I would rather be sleeping.. I am, according to my scale, which I have been faithful about using since I became pregnant, I am down 29 lbs. and have only put back on 5 lbs with the pregnancy.. the baby is Growing and thriving, she is able 6 1/2 lbs as of the last ultrasound.. so I know that she is doing well.. heck, with DD I lost 40 lbs, put back on 10 and lived on popsicles the whole time, she was 7.3 and is now doing super..

I really do love my baby and hope that she has enjoyed her stay in me, I can't wait to see her and feel like me again.. everything is just getting harder and harder and I am growing more and more frustrated because I can't even take a break.. I know that being a mom means no breaks, but you can atleast go to the bathroom for 2 minutes and be alone.. right now.. I just need to be done being needed both internally and externally for a little while.. and Yes, I am aware that once she is born it won't be any easier, but she will be living in the here and now and not the way it is..
I am just ready to be done..

4. I am ready to be done with the messes in my house.. I can't and should not be doing the things I need to do.. scrubbing my tub is hard, my belly is in the way and it KILLS me.. I am really doing things once every other week as opposed to once a week.. it kills me just to see things declining too.. there are big piles of baby things everywhere, there are piles of things to be relocated so that the big piles of baby things can be put away appropriately.. I am just done with the mess and want to get things back to normal and cleaned up.. DH tries as much as he can, but he is totally limited and DD is being as good as gold about things.. I am truly blessed by their help.. but ready to be done with the messes..

5. I am ready to be done with DH mess at work.. so much more I would love to say, but know that I can't..

6. I am done with this post and my complaining.. I promise to try and be more positive tomorrow.

If I knew better I would head off to my air conditioned bedroom and not play solitiare again.. but we all know I will ...
good night..
:) Monique

Monday, June 9, 2008

heat, death & taxes..

That is exactly the order I feel today..
the heat is going to be the death of me and if not, my taxes will..
I have them almost all done, we see the accountant on Wednesday, so I have to be done soon..

I am hot and tired and am off to shower DD and then myself.. again..
I might even work on the taxes in my air conditioned bed room.. hmmm.. sounds like a good idea now..

if I knew better.. oh heck with it.. it's just too hot..
:) Monique

Sunday, June 8, 2008

heat & a rant...

so the summer is officially here.. it hit the mid to high 90's over the weekend.. YUCK! I am not a big fan of the heat, but this is feeling really yuck.. fortunately, my sweet and kind sister came over yesterday and after her & did some shopping, she helped DH put air conditioners in the bedrooms.. making for a very pleasant sleep.. I cleaned up the fans and those are helping in other parts of the house.. the basement in our house really is a good 10 degrees cooler.. so we have been hanging out there some.. which we like to do anyways.. :)

the rant part of the blog.. it goes out to all the mother's of kids who have birthday parties..
THINK.. please seriously THINK about the space you have to do projects in and the number of adults to do it with.. the story is this.. DD goes to a birthday party on Saturday, it was home party and an outside affair.. which would make sense.. there was a moon bounce or bouncy house , but since it was 90 plus degrees, kids were sweltering and and not that into it.. which is okay, the kids would have amused themselves somehow.. but they decide to do a craft project.. Fabric Painting t-shirts. ... umm.. okay.. messy, but if properly planned for, not a problem, well, this was NOT planned for, no water source to clean up in, no wipes not a blessed thing.. thankfullly, my sweet child was too into being the bounce house alone to sit down at a small crowded table to paint right away... when she did want to paint, I did convince her to wait until there was space.. no problem, she drank a juice box.. worked out..
so, she happily chooses a stencil, applies it and paints it, then wants to add more, mixes up colors.. I don't care, go to town, this will be a great t-shirt for bed this summer.. works for me kid -- live it up.. well, she had a great time and got paint on her hands, which she then lovingly holds up to me and pleads for help to clean up.. I tell her to hold up her hands and don't touch anything until I get back with wipes.. there is a relative of the mom hosting the party who tells her it's okay, you keep painting, I will help you and as I turn to get the wipes, Miranda wipes her hands on her brand new overalls and spills paint on them too.. I freak.. I spent a long time looking for these overalls, paid more than I wanted to and even just ordered a pair for the baby so that they can take photos in matching outfits at the end of the summer.. well, the host mom turns and tells me that the paint will wash out.. it's water soluble.. not to worry.. WHAT WAS I THINKING!!
it's fabric paint, well, I wiped off what I could and figured I would clean the rest at home.. nothing came out, the shorts are trashed and last night, I could have SPIT nails over it.. I know that it's just a pair of shorts, but I was livid..
1. if you plan to do a painting craft, have smocks or warn parents.. in the invite say, bring painting clothes..
2. plan enough space for kids to do the project, not 15 or 16 five year olds at a tiny table with permanent paints.. let them paint only a few at a time if you need to..
3. ask parents to each help their child and to help clean them up
4. have clean up supplies available..
5. if you must do a craft make sure it is age appropriate.. HELLO, fabric paint for 5 year olds in 90 degrees is NUTS...

again, I reserve the right to blame the pregnancy hormones on this one, but I am also speaking from years of pre-school experience here too.. I am still so mad about this overalls -- working on letting it go... but oh was I mad..

all in all, DD had a great time at the party.. she left saying that she forgot to eat anything but her cupcake, so we ate lunch as soon as she got home.. sweet kid that she is.. I really have to say that for a 5 year old, she is accepting the limited play time very well.. we try to get her outside to play in the yard more often, but she doesn't enjoy it as much as she used to.. DH can not chase her around with his broken foot and I can't chase her either feeling like I have a basketball in my way and the constant contractions and now the heat.. I try to spend time creating art projects or playing games, we are reading lots and lots more now.. she is very patient about things not being as immediate as she is used to.. I am tired and dh just can't do the things he wants to.. she really is a great kid... I am so blessed... she really can't wait to see the baby either.. she talks to her, lifts my shirt and kisses the belly, is interested in if she is sleeping or kicking... it's cute..
Now, I know that sibling rivalry will effect us as soon as the little one comes home and things really change, but we are trying to bridge off some of that now and making plans to spend special time with her doing big kid stuff.. done the research and we are planned.. but lately, our plans don't go as expected, so we will have to wait and see...

If I knew better, I would say that I am off to bed, but I am in the middle of washing DH bandages and he need s them for bed tonight.. so I gotta finish that first..

:) Monique

Thursday, June 5, 2008

past the bedtime..

2 posts in one day.. wow.. I am on a roll..

Tonight, at 20 minutes to 8, DD needed her shower.. she had watched a cartoon Phineas & Ferb on Disney with DH and then 2 Tom & Jerry cartoons.. just listening to them giggle was worth the delay in the shower.. After her shower (of which the poor thing slipped and fell, fortunately no pain or problems) I spent a long time Hold Rocking her.. this is when I wrap her in a towel and just snuggle her up.. she is the one who called it Hold Rocking and it is something that just the two of us do -- so it is special.. Tonight she asked to hear Baby Mine.. this is the song I always sang her as a newborn and then it just continued as she grew.. it is still the one song she loves me to sing her (must confess, it's not a whole song, just a verse I remember and I don't think it is even a whole verse, just pieces) and just relaxes her and puts her in a calm state of mind.. she misses not being able to sit in my lap and really snuggling close, but with her baby sister growing inside me, there isn't much lap room and muscle tension is another issue (not to mention that she just about 4 feet tall), but tonight, I managed to balance her just right and held her tight in my arms and hold her and sing to her.. the look on her face was priceless.. she looked like the little baby I remember her to be.. sweet and innocent -- not the child I was yelling at 10 minutes prior to get naked and get into the shower.. she loved it and it read all over her face.. I hurt like heck, but tonight, she needed it and it made her smile -- made me smile on the inside, the kind that sits with you and makes you realize that you just put a deposit in your child's memory bank -- the sorta thing that lasts with them forever.. :) Oh, and she informed me that I can not sing Baby Mine to her little sister, it's her song.. we might have agreed that twinkle twinkle would be okay for naps, but not bedtime and You are My Sunshine is acceptable for anytime and might even be a good song for just the new baby & me. SO FUNNY my daughter is..

so then we move on to the hair drying portion of the shower.. she has long thick hair and I dry it for her with the hair dryer.. tonight it took forever, she was wiggling and giggling, but I didn't stress about it, just kept trying to do what I needed to.. and she was singing songs from graduation.. I think I got to hear about 5 while I did her hair.. so cute.. took longer than it should, but again, worth it.. with all the craziness that has been happening around here, I believed she just needed to be listened to tonight.. we did her medicines and brushed her teeth and moved on to bed.. it was not 8:20, she is supposed to be in bed almost asleep by now..

Kisses to daddy on the couch and then we go to her room, where she asks for a book, normally, nope, too late -- but tonight, I caved and she read a story to me.. she loves to prove how much she can read, her sight word vocabulary is big and growing.. she loves to read and I am thrilled.. then she conned me into one more story.. I picked a short one and it worked out.. Now is it 8:35.. light off and I sit for a few minutes.. but first we have to spend 3 minutes picking out who she is going to sleep with.. Dolly is a given, but then she gets me to agree to 2 more dolls.. then she goes into this elaborate story that she has been cooking up with her dolls and it is not even a story, but a musical.. so I being sung to and told a story to and like I said, she just needed to be listened to.. my stomach muscles are killing me at this point since I am contracting like crazy and really need to get into a more supportive chair, but I sat there for a full 10 minutes while she told me her story and songs..

so here I am at 9pm, one full hour past her bedtime and I know that there will be a few consequences in the morning -- my daughter is a beast if she doesn't get enough sleep -- but you know what.. I would not change anything that I did.. a late bedtime is the perfect price to pay for catching up on the mommy things I have been either too sick, tired, sore or otherwise uncomfortable to do as well as I should have.. and I feel good -- hopefully as good as she does..
Taking a few extra minutes to listen to her, giggle with her will be worth it ....

If I knew better, I would do everything exactly the way I did it to tonight..
:) Monique

a new haircut = new perscpective..

So I have officially have had enough with my's very grey in front and I can't color it.
which makes me cry because every time I look in the mirror, I feel as though I look as crumy as I feel on the inside so I called hairdresser for an appt.. To great surprise, I was able to get in TODAY..

he did the things I needed him to do (waxing ... ouch) and then told him to cut it.. not trim it, but cut it.. he told me I already had something in mind.. I seldom question him since he does a good job. Today was no exception.. he cut it all one length and while I am DH won't care for it being this short, I wanted something easy that was flattering.. I wanted something that made me look like I did something to myself without doing anything.. I know most women do this before having a new baby, but I needed it.. I just needed to feel good about myself today and for a what I feel to be a small price.. I do.. my hair is short, but it is cute.. I will style it up a little different myself when I wash it in the morning.. but I feel like I just took a small step towards a little bit of freedom and making me feel good.

If I knew better, I would not need a haircut to improve my overall mentality, but I am 9 months pregnant, having contractions daily and I deserve it..
:) Monique

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

the smallest butt in the house...

The person with the smallest butt in the house has the biggest stuff in the house..
my sister came over last night and we dug the baby stuff out from under the stairs.. she thinks both DH and are amazing tetris players because we packed stuff in so well.. she never would have known there was as much under there as there was..

the list includes: the crib, mattress, changing table, pad, stroller, car seat & base, swing, exersaucer, walker, 3 large boxes of toys, a bunk bed for her current bed, a toddler bed, a regular car seat, 3 air conditioners, 2 fans, 3 suitcases and the doors that need to be rehung..

to quote my sister, "I thought I was bad, but your shit has shit".. to which I responded, yes, but I stack and pack it better.. she almost DIED laughing.. I do. I really pack and stack stuff really well and try to be organized just so I can fit more stuff in.. Honestly, this is the last time I will have to pack and unpack baby stuff.. when the new little one outgrows it.. out it goes! either donations or resale.. I don't care.. I want it GONE..

but back to the point of my blog.. at best, this baby will be about 8lbs when she arrives.. and her butt will be tiny and cute and all this stuff that we need for her is HUGE! and running a muck in my basement.. I am trying to get rid of things and make room for other things.. but we have too much stuff.. just too much..

another problem we have at this moment is that I can't do much at a time and can't really move anything INTO her room until my brother paints.. which won't be until next week.. Tuesday.. so we have to select paint this week, buy it, find the paint stuff and then let him paint.. then DH. promised to put things together, at least the changing table.. this will allow me to unpack and put things away.. getting rid of a ton of boxes and make space we need.. so it's really only going to be nuts for week.. but when you are already feeling nuts, living in nuts space makes like a little challenging.. but it is only a week..

I really can't wait to see her cute little butt either.. so tiny and sweet... just like all of her... I know that I have been complaining about being pregnant and all the stresses that naturally come with that, but all the other things too... but I am sitting her just giggling as she moves about my belly.. rumbling, kicking me.. putting pressure on my back and hips.. I giggle because in less than 4 weeks I will be holding her and smiling and changing her little butt.. it's worth it.. I know that.. even if sometimes it doesn't feel like it is.. babies are truly wonderful miracles and while I really can't wait to greet mine -- I am willing to hold out until she is done cooking.. until then, I get to enjoy the rest of this bumpy crazy road.

If I knew better, I would be relaxing longer than I am, but I need to make about a million phone calls..

:) Monique

Monday, June 2, 2008

27 Onsies..

This weekend I started digging though the baby stuff... see what I had, have and need.. just so I can really get things rolling.. the playroom is not cleaned out, but that is something I have come to accept.. she won't need her own room right away anyways, so it will work out..

I sorted through a rather large box or boxes of baby clothes that I have managed to save.. when we moved in here I went through 13 large totes of clothes and sold much of it to a resale shop or donated to charity, but I still had quite a bit. I sorted through the biggest box of birth to 12 months stuff..

I ended up with 27 onsies.. since it will be a warm summer, we won' t need much other than those. I also have a bunch of footed pajamas or gowns, about 15 of those and all the other true essentials.. they are being washed as I type ( I love the hum of washing machine, it just means that things are really getting done.. relief)

so I have clothes, bottles & nipples, diapers, wipes, suitcase 1/2 packed, plans for if we go on time with the scheduled section, plans if we go during the day or the middle of the night.. all I really need is a calling card so we can call my in-laws in australia and a car seat for the baby, which is going to be dug out this week.. it is buried in a box under my stairs with all the other BIG baby things.. like swing, furniture, etc. DH will help me (since my family are real slackers) and we will get things going.. we also have come closer to selecting a paint color for the little princess' bedroom, which my brother has graciously agreed to paint for only 50 bucks.. he doesn't know that it will require moving furniture too.. eheheheheh...

I feel better.. prepared, like if something happened, it almost be okay since things are better in place.. I really am more like my mom than I thought and I think, (notice I say think) that it is a good thing.

On another good note, my scrapbook goals for May were very good..I had challenged myself to do 30 pages, I only did 25 pages, but did a 20 page mini-album for a charity raffle and something like 75 greeting cards.. quite happy with myself.

I have discovered that I could not be a bed rest person, physically LAYING down only brings on my contractions and my dr. says it would better for me to sit, then sit.. lay on the right side if it is more comfy and still drink as much as I can. my appetite comes and goes, but at least it does come and I am able to eat and enjoy things.. but the little one does not approve of Mexican, so I suffer any time I eat it.. but when it tastes as good as it does.. it is almost worth it..
the newest craving is watermelon.. oh still loving that, and the small circle toastititos.. yes, they have to be the circley ones.. the crispy rounds I think they are called.. LOVE THEM..

it's monday and while I wish I was doing more, I am very happy with what I have done..
to quote a good friend's blog, "Perfection isn't a goal, it's the enemy"...

If I knew better, I would go watch tv with dh, but I think I will sift through just a few more emails..

:) Monique