Saturday, June 28, 2008

the list.....

the list of things I want to do is much longer than the list of things I can reasonably GET done...
I would love to have my house all cleaned up before I leave, I sorta feel like I want things together and looking somehow, people will be at my house while i am in the hospital..
UMmm.. not going to happen.. and if we do happen to have visitors here afterwards, if they can look into the sweet little face and then comment that my floors are less than perfect.. they have issues.. NOT ME..

but I do have things that need to be done-- many just because it is going to make DH's life easier.

1. laundry -- getting some of it done..
2. clean the bathroom
3. quick vaccuumm all over, which I think DH is actually going to do.
4. clean fridge
5. trash
6. dishwasher run
7. grocery store
8. stop at the mail box
9. lists of things for DD instructions -- dad's never pay attention to all the little things you do, like brushing a girl's hair BEFORE she goes to bed because it makes the knots easier to get out in the am.. DD has longish thick hair and this can be painful in the am..
10. iron & match up clothes for DD for summer camp..

do these things HAVE to be done.. NO, they don't, I know I will feel better resting if they are.. and DH life will just be a little easier.. Miranda is promising to help..

we have been invited to a dinner to visit with an out of town cousin, and I think even though we won't stay long, we are going to go.. just a chance to get out and also, I can not have to cook dinner, so I can run the dishwasher earlier and empty it before bed.. hmmm.. might all work with my evil plan at attempting to acheive perfection... might just work..
either way, at some point tommorow.. I can getting ice cream.. preferably with strawberry sauce and whipped cream.. nuts would be a protein bonus... we'll have to work on making that one happen most of all -- should definitely put that on the list...

If I knew better, I would be cleaning up from my day out scrapbooking.. but I need to switch laundry and head to bed.. this is going to be my last night to sleep, last night to sleep in (Sunday is DH day to sleep late) and get a great night sleep.. things are about to change.. and I being a person who is never good with change.. I am genuinely looking forward to it :)

:) Monique

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