Friday, June 20, 2008

Catch up...

so I fell off the blog wagon for a while.. I was good and then whenever I sat down to blog all I wanted to do was complain about being pregnant and figured that no one, including myself needed to read that, so I skipped it..

To catch up, we saw my dr. on Tuesday and things look good, I lost another 4 lbs. and the baby is still getting bigger -- so woo hoo and yeah.. but I am really starting to feel the necessity to be done.. my coping skills with just about everything are starting to waver and as much as DH wants me to wait until the 30th to have the baby, he can see how truly unhappy and I am hopes like me for the baby to make her way any day now.. even the woman who does the pre-stuff for my dr. says that she can see it all over my face that I am just ready to be done.. I think the worse part for me is that my headaches, which I don't think I have mentioned before, are back.. I suffer from headaches that can blow up into migranes.. fortunately, the migranes have been at bay for a few years, but the headaches do come and go.. but atleast they go.. I saw 3 neurologists and had physical therapy for about a year.. the headaches lasted just about 2 1/2 years.. chronic daily headache, eventually, I gave up on the medications and therapy and just accepted it.. either way, they are back and I am back on tylenol pretty regularly..

I also got the cleaning bug, decided yesterday that my living room & kitchen needed cleaning, and when I clean these rooms, I do it all, move things around, dust, etc.. took me just over 4 hours because of the constant start & stop with rest breaks, but it's done.. and while it felt good to be a in a clean out, the pain settled in quickly, left me dizzy, tired and pain...

the contractions are back and not just form all the housework, mostly at night, when I am supposed to be sleeping, I have tons and tons of pressure and then contractions start.. not enough to send me to the hospital, but enough to keep me up, constantly going to the bathroom and just overall pain and uncomfortable...

and today, when I get up to get Dh a drink he looks at me and comments something about me being really pregnant and looking like twins.. JERK! mind you, I am wearing these overall shorts, while not the most flattering look for a pregnant woman or a woman my size, they are super comfy and just plain wonderful to wear.. well, I have popped and am carrying high so I look HUGE and the overalls just emphasize it.. it's okay, I have 9 days until my c-section and I am officially 22 lbs lighter than when I started this pregnancy and I look HUGE, aren't I supposed to?? either way, I didn't need DH to point it out.. he feels bad but enjoyed the giggle..
I know he didn't mean it meanly, but in the last 2 days, I really have popped...

also, the baby is moving tons and tons.. today while sitting on the couch, Dh laughed because he could actually see my belly moving all on it's own.. he slide over on the couch and felt the kicks.. and really enjoyed them.. yeah, from the outside they are all fun and silly, try them from the inside buddy.. we are thinking or estimating that she will be about 8lbs or so.. DD was 7 lbs 3 oz.. we'll see.. I keep hoping that her kicks will get my water breaking sooner and then she comes right away... fingers crossed..

dh job is still his job...

but our car is getting fixed today and apprarently, the work to be done is covered under our warranty, so only 2oo bucks, as opposed to something much much higher.... soo, finally some good news ...

well, other than the bad sandwich I had today, that is just about it..(I hate it when you order a sandwich, all excited and totally into it and they mess it up, but you don't realize it until you are home and sink your teeth into it.. seriously, who eats grilled pepper chicken with spicy cheese and lettuce and honey mustard.. so not what me or the baby was craving.. even DH didn't like it.. YUCK... I am so done with that place..

okay.. off to do other things.. my brain is fried and I am tired of just about everything, so I don't think I could know any better on any subject right now..
:) Monique

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Ooh, I remember when my stomach used to move on it's own! My little alien in my belly!!