Sunday, November 30, 2008

for this I am grateful...

seriously, I am going from bad to worse with this blogging thing...
but in the spirit of the sunday & thanksgiving.. here is my list...

Stacy Julian did a thing where she listed whatever came to mind for 15 minutes.. sounds like a good idea to me for tonights list...

infant tylenol, christmas lights, scrapbook sales, thanksgiving leftovers, dh love of my simple cooking, clean sheets, sweet smelling babies, 5 month cupcakes, hot tea, eggs cooked to perfection, a completed to do list, paying off bills, time to read a good book, a sleeping baby, time with my husband, a good nap, ambition to get things done, time to actually them done, plans for the holidays, warm chocolate chip cookies, episodes of Charmed with Cole in them, the dvr, miracle on 34th street, christmas cartoons, leftover pizza, new recipes, scrapbook night with my new friends, old friends, scrapbooking baby girls, baby toes, clean laundry, my little heater, minute maid popsicles, ice cream in the freezer, tito's chips and salsa, chinese food for dinner again tomorrow, dinner out on tuesday, good books being held for me at the library, being almost done christmas shopping, having toys to give to toys for tots, diet coke, rapid release tylenol, naps, the bus driver, eli stone, my grateful list, pink sockies, baby bottles, being organized, christmas photos, appt.s that have already been made, my pediatrician, Junie B. Jones books, good friends, my great memory, friends found on facebook, money to spend on silly things - just for me, small plastic bowls from ikea, my magic bullet blender, sliced cheese, frozen cherries, in season grapes, sugar cookies, the new blade in my paper trimmer, new socks, inspiration, candy canes, my order from ebay that should be in SOON, strung popcorn, christmas angels, miranda's memory of my mom, my dad's meatpie, family, friends, children's place pajamas and sales, target stores, the friendly guy named Barney at my local post office, love of a good man and two great girls, scented candle on my desk, coffee & bagels from dunkin donuts, early bedtimes, clean dishes and empty dishwashers,

that was 10 minutes and 37 seconds (yes, I set a timer, and the baby interrupted me, so I will finish this now)

kitchen timers, baby oragel, baby mobiles, dishwashers, leftovers, email, clean laundry, ironed laundry, meredith the photographer at target in attleboro, my back massagers, the mailman, warm weather in december, pink roses at my mom's house, apple crisp, sharing desserts with friends, the pasta in pink vodka sauce that I get to eat tomorrow, chocolate raisins, gold coins for the reindeer bag, ambition to do the things I really need to be doing, the library, sales at michael's, on-line shopping, my scrapbook supplies, eli stone, jon & kate plus 8, reruns of my favorite shows, ace of cakes on at a good time, christmas cartoons, plans to get the christmas cards out early this year, smiles from my girls, snuggles from the baby, I love you mama from the big one...

there you have it.. 15 full minutes of interrupted thoughts on things big and small that I am grateful for...

if I knew better, I would publish more important things on my blog, but I don't.. so this is what you are getting for tonight..
:) Monique

Sunday, November 23, 2008


with this week being thanksgiving, I must make sure and post my grateful list for the week..
seems like sunday is the only day I even manage to blog anymore..

1. I am grateful that my sister is home from chicago for the holidays.. my older dd loves her to pieces and is excited to see her.. she gets to hang out with the baby too..

2. we got new phones straightened out last night -- my dh can FINALLY get off my back and so can my sisters..

3. big DD got to see the new movie BOLT and I did not have to sit through another kiddie movie.. gotta love the Auntie Jo.. they always hit the movies.

4. I have started my laundry already.. should get 2 loads done tonight..

5. I got 2 scrapbook projects done yesterday.. WOO HOO.. I am so excited about this..

6. putting together the things i need to make the calendar for my mil on winkflash.. doing it before the end of the month..

7. dh is on board with putting the tree up next weekend... I have a boat load of cleaning to do.. but it might happen this week.. YEAH.

8. my sisters helped me string popcorn today.. 10 yards.. I probably need another 5 or 6.. but this is such a head start..

9. while I truly detest toys r us, and christmas shopping, I am just about done and should NOT have to return there but one last time.. YEAH!

10. it's thanksgiving and I am looking forward to spending some time with my brothers & sisters & my little family too..

If I knew better I would realize that the holiday rat race is officially beginning... but the best I can do is smile & embrace it... it comes whether I like it or not..

:) Monique

Friday, November 21, 2008

guilt and choices

guilt is one of those truly powerful emotions.. I inherited my gift from my mom.. she had a good knack at feeling guilty over things she did not need to...
my nephew had me feeling guilty this week.. I offered him my help on the weekend for a school project.. he CHOSE not to accept it then and to go off and party.. then saught my help during the week when I couldn't do it.. I felt sooo guilty.. it was eating at me.. but after talking with some great friends. I realized it wasn't my fault or my responability to get it done.. I made myself available and he CHOSE not accept it..
so.. while I know that I made the right choices not go out of my way to help him this time, I still feel guilty for not helping him..
right now... I am working towards just getting over it.. why is guilt so darned powerful??

if I knew better I could let this go.. but I am worried about him finishing school...

Sunday, November 16, 2008

bad blogger..

I have been so crazy with things that I have neglected my blog.. honestly, I think a little bit of the post partum nastiness and family bullpoop has gotten to me lately and I haven't been looking at things in my life all that well.. Tonight, I am fixing that up some and going to at least do my Sunday night grateful list...

1. I am grateful for my new scrapping group -- I had the bestest time last night, just chatting, scrapping and catching up the baby's Monday album.. and eating the tastiest cheese spread.. seriously, I thought about how much of it ate later on and was embarrassed.. but yummy is yummy and you are not allowed to count calories on girls' night.. (or so I was once told)

2. I am grateful that baby girl slept until 5:30.. I think we have found a good thing for her.. hoping that it works.. she gets cereal & fruit or veggie at noon time feeding, it gets all the gas and belly pains out before bed.. sooo helpful for her poor lil' tummy...

3. I am grateful for the time I spent coloring / stamping with my daughter this morning.. I messed up many of the scrapbook pages I made last night trying to sew on them..but that is okay.. time with her ROCKED..

4. I am grateful that I have so much scrapbook stuff that I am overwhelmed by the crazy mess in my basement.. seriously, I will likely be cleaning all week and MIGHT get to scrap somewhere around Friday.. if I am lucky...

5. I am grateful that I made my christmas list up.. I really have more done than I thought I did.. I MUST MUST MUST start working on the presents I have to make.

6. I am grateful the baby took a great nap at the baby shower I went to today.. allowed me to help out my friends some...

7. I am grateful that tomorrow is monday and I get to start over.. last week is a blurry mess that I am glad to be done with.

8. I am grateful that I have learned to use my sewing machine.. I totally need a ton of practice, but it will be worth it.. I have great friends who taught me how to use it too..

9. I am grateful that my daughter thinks of me as her hero.... she whispered it to me recently, which if you know her, whispering is a major challenge, but she told me she loved me and all the wonderful things I do for her... made me smile on the inside & out... in school, she said she was thankful for me and my food, aka, my cooking.. I guess saying that I wasn't going to cook for them anymore really scared her... Honsetly, sometimes I feel like a short order cook..

10.. I am truly grateful for Meredith the photographer at my local Target.. this woman is amazing.. she brings the VERY best out in both of my kids and produces INCREDIBLE memories for me.. I am so lucky to have found her.. hopefully my comments on the recent survey brings her a nice big fat raise.. she totally deserves it...

okay.. off to do laundry (surprise) and clean up.. and then empty dishwasher, make formula, fold towels, etc. etc. etc.

if I only knew better I would be working instead of blogging.. but oh well..
:) Monique

mess in my basement..