Tuesday, August 26, 2008

tomorrow is THE day...

Oh.. it's going to be a big day tomorrow... her first official day of kindergarten.. I filed out all forms and put them in the right spot to send back.. wrote her name in her NEW backpack and packed the milk money too.. I am driving her in for the first day, but she is taking the bus home..
she is so excited and I am excited for her.. but I honestly feel like a tiny piece of me of being ripped out and leaving me.. I am tearing up just thinking about it.. so I won't think about it..
at least not until the morning when I drop her off at school...

If I knew better.. hell, either way it would still hurt..
:) Monique

Monday, August 25, 2008

a cheap hooker...

Saturday was a good day, we picked up the baby's photos and ran some errands and then went to a pool party.. I took both girls with me -- giving dh a break and I made plans with my younger sister to go to see Momma Mia.. (word of advice.. SKIP it.. the singing was so bad.. seriously, whoever cast these people are tone deaf.. didn't mind looking at Colin Firth OR Pierce Brosman, but my ears still hurt).. anyways, I am giving the little on her bath and my sister is helping the big one hang up some butterfly wall stickers, when she realizes that the fish, miah, is not moving.. having just commented today on the longevity of the fish, I was surprise.. my sister in fact, confirmed the deceased and I called my daughter into the nursery so we could talk about it.. Dh joined the conversation... we were tip toeing around it so carefully, she finally said, "is she dead?" to which we told her, yes. she looked confused and we asked her how she felt about it.. she said she was okay, she wanted new.. fine.. after thinking it over, she says, did the angels take her.. we assured her that they did.. she was okay with this.. relieved, dh and I smiled and finished the pajama duties.. when my sister yells out.. "why does the fish need a cheap hooker?" I all but wet my pants.. the things you think you hear are sometimes better than the real thing..

my sister and I were talking about this on the way home from the movies and other random things we were laughing so very hard.. honestly, I had a better time driving home with my sister than I did in the movie..

if I knew better, i would plan to just go out with her next time.. and skip the movie..
:) monique

Thursday, August 21, 2008

thoughts on kindergarten

It's been a good, but busy week.. the house isn't as clean as a result of all my running around either.. oh well. that will change..

Kindergarten is still weighing heavy on my mind.. very much so..
I am nervous about my baby going off to school -- she is so excited and really showing the independence to make it on her own.. she is making new friends already, enjoying the toys and as we discovered this week.. she can read.. and not just books that are familiar to her, but everything.. she sounds out words and really tries.. BLOWS ME AWAY.. we read to her a ton but have never sat down and taught her any of this.. it's amazing...

her deductive reasoning skills are blossoming too.. just today while at orientation she was playing with blocks, pattern blocks.. and she informed me that 3 triangles make a trapezoid and 6 make a hexagon.. um.. hello, those were words I did not know until 8th grade or geometry. yet, she figured it out.. she has always been good at the visual stuff.. could go 50 plus piece puzzles by 4.

she is smart and will do well, her teacher seems nice.. just the social piece I am worried about.. she is quite the chatter... we'll see..

*sigh* I know I am not alone in this quest for understanding why our babies have to grow up and go off to school -- I was with a room FULL of parents thinking the same thing today, yet, I feel so all alone.. like I am sending my baby, my little little baby off into the big bad world...
but she is smart and has some common sense.. and I guess she has to do it sooner or later...
is it wrong for me to wish it was later??

If I knew better, I would be celebrating my baby's next big step into independence, but right now, I am wollowing in self pity and a decent surge of post partum emotions.. so I am entitled.. just a little...

:) Monique

Monday, August 18, 2008

Checking things off..

I am tired today.. it was a long day, but a good one..
went to the movies, CHECK
eye doctor, CHECK
lunch with friends, CHECK
shopping, CHECK
snuck in shopping for me, bought a shirt in smaller size than usual for me (insert happy dance) CHECK
ice cream for DD and bottle for baby, CHECK
45 minute walk in neighborhood, fun talk with big dd, CHECK
dinner with family, CHECK
baths, CHECK
4 loads of laundry, CHECK
bottles and formula, CHECK

a very cool day, DD needs new glasses, new script, but it's a good thing.. might go glasses shopping on Saturday... I think the walk was a great thing, dd is being such a trooper about it.. I hope to make it a daily thing.. but it does mess up the night time routine, we seriously need to get into the swing of things so that everyone makes it bed on time.. especially with kindergarten starting.. speaking of...

I really am excited for her and watching her get excited is especially fun, but in the same tone, I am so nervous.. this is the first time in my life that I have let my baby go somewhere that I did not already know the ropes, did not know the teachers and did not choose the place for her.. I looked at 8 days cares for her before choosing the one she is currently in.. I interviewed 3 pediatricians too.. I love my daughters and want what is best for them, but I am a nervous mommy with a control issue.. I am worried.. plus, kindergarten means that she is officially NOT my baby anymore.. I think that is bugging me too.. she is growing up.. I am glad, I love her independent spirit and zest for learning.. but she is my baby.. *WAHHHH*
I guess I just want the best of both worlds...

Oh well, that is enough ranting from a nervous mommy for tonight.. I am off to scrapbook something, or maybe just play with photos, I so want to go to bed early tonight.. another busy day tomorrow.. if I knew better, I would already be in bed..

:) Monique

tiring, very tiring..

Sunday, August 17, 2008

sunday eve..

what a great day, we all slept in just a little, Dh more than the rest of us, but it worked out..
I got to make muffins & color with big dd while baby dd slept in with DH..
after a late breakfast we went outside once again to do yard work.. while dh mows the back yard, big dd rides her scooter and we take the stroller for baby girl. it's a good walk, the one we did every night before dh broke his foot.. well, halfway through the walk, I made a phone call and big dd ended up talking to my sister on the cell for about 10 minutes or so, this is a huge deal for her, she never wants to talk to my sister.. made them both very happy, made the walk worth it..

while dh mowed the front yard, we hooked up the sprinker in the back for big dd.. she was LOVING it.. and since baby dd was sleeping, I went and weeded again then sprayed the weeds for me to remove later in the week -- if I have time.. crazy week in this house.. something big every day..
monday - eye dr. appt for big dd
tuesday - breakfast & walk with my godmother
wedneday - baby girl has appt with ent.. follow up appt.
thursday - kindergarten orientation -- I am really worried about this.. but dd isn't.. she is getting more and more excited as the days pass until the start of kindergarten.. (i have more thoughts on this and will post later)
friday - maybe a day for me to play.. also big dd last day of camp...

like I said, crazy crazy week.. who am I kidding? every week is a crazy week lately, but today after the yard work was done, we just HUNG OUT.. we played Barbie pool, sprinkers, swinging on the swing set.. and baby girl was in her swing out there too.. just a great day.. finished up with a vist from my other sister, the younger one and her dog for a BBQ.. seriously, I love grilling out, but I hate hauling all of the stuff out just to eat, then haul it right back it.. still makes dd happy, so we do it.. and a great mystery for me, we didn't even eat in the house, yet my kitchen table is one GIANT mess.. I mean, it was clean last night and most of this morning.. what the hell happened??

okay, the point to this blog post, being a sunday, I was feeling like I should be doing a grateful list, a list of things I am grateful for.. I actually think that this is going to be a weekly post for me.. I think it's the catholic church raising that made me think that I should be doing this on a sunday.. (this thought made me think of my mom.. well, not true, I have had my mom on my mind alot lately, also, the topic for another blog)

so, 10 things I am grateful for..

1. Dh got paid this week, it was nice.. finally being able to pay bills & NOT pull the money from savings... good feeling.. very good feeling..

2. baby girl is sleeping very well at night, not a great napper, but super at night, she still wakes up for a bottle every 3 or 4 hours, but goes right back to sleep..

3. big dd is such a great kid, she is still adjusting to sharing our attention, but really makes the best of it.. and tries really hard to be gentle with the baby..

4. I got some scrapbooking done this week.. just a little bit, like 5 pages, but some time, just for me..

5. I was able to connect and visit with my friends and make plans to do it again.. I am happy about this..

6. time with my family.. today just rocked, we were just together, working & playing..

7. my new camera, this should have been my number one, dh and I found a great deal and we bought a cannon power shot.. now, I know that I should have held out for a digital SLR, but honestly, I wanted something I can put in my pocket & just take photos with.. the stick we have holds like 1800 photos.. and I plan to start taking more and more..

8. baby girl is really smiling.. seriously, big big smiles.. so wonderful..

9. I cleaned up some in the basement, including my scrapbooking space.. feels good to see things cleaning up again..

10.. dh and I made future plans for the things we want to do in the house / yard.. feels good to be hopeful that we can make improvements to the house and still pay off bills.. just a great feeling all the way around..

okay.. DH wants to check HIS email and baby girl is likely ready for her bed.. I am off to finish watching the movie I fell asleep during.. 21 -- it seems really good.. I guess I am just really tired lately..

:) Monique

Monday, August 11, 2008

holy cow.. time escapes me..

I don't know how it happens, but time is escaping me.. I seriously feel like I worry about the world in 3 hour incriments since that is the little ones feeding schedule..
I did get a ton of cleaning done early today.. which means I can either a. spend the week cleaning in the basement while the baby sleeps or b. scrapbook..
I will allow your imagination to fill in my option..

I had a great day today visiting with friends and so did big DD, she had 2 friends here too, but with 3 kids, 2 are 5 and one will be 6, it's crazy & loud.. but the baby LOVED it & I managed to set up my 2007 and 2008 albums and actually get one page scrapped.. tonight I am cleaning up again.. I so prefer scrapping by myself.. quicker and less messy.. so much for scrapbooking being a social activity.

OHH.. the baby is smiling.. it's so cute.. I managed to get her Monday photo of her smiling today.. first time EVER! thrilled me endlessly.. the baby has been smiling for big dd for a while now.. also can report that the baby LOVES the swing, atleast to nap in...

Okay, there is more to report on,but I have a limited time option here, so I am going end and promise to write more on other topics laters..

if I knew better I would have scrapped first and blogged later, but I figured I was so long overdue it was time..

:) Monique

Monday, August 4, 2008

a whole new world..

No secret for my love of Mondays.. I just love the newness of them..
Well.. today was the official start of DH NEW job.. he is commuting to Boston, so he gets up as a NEW time to start his day, I too am getting up early to ensure my time for a shower before the girls get up.. working on his NEW routine and my NEW routine to still get things done..
it will all be changing by the end of the month when DD starts kindergarten... but it's NEW and like anything NEW, there is change.. and for me.. change is really really hard.. I am bumming about how late DH is coming home, but we are working on that.. once we establish a rhythm & routine, things will work out just fine... still change is hard.. although getting a paycheck again will be a NEW change that I welcome...

Tonight DH and I sat down and filled out the paper work for his job, direct deposit, and health insurance.. this will be our LAST month to pay.. WOO HOO... another good thing coming from a NEW change..

I was able to clean all 3 bedrooms, do all the laundry, even if it is not all put away and clean up the kitchen .. also, while baby girl took her pm nap I was able to get in all my ironing for the week for DD & DH.. woo hoo..

I have my list of things to do for tomorrow and I plan to include some fun stuff.. maybe some shopping.. I have returns galore to do.. so we will have to see.. I plan to meet up with a friend and her kids on Friday and lunch on Thursday to show off my new baby, and maybe a wednesday play date with my scrapping buddy.. see, I am fitting it all in.. next few weeks is dr. appts for me & the baby.. so this is my fun week..

photo sort going well -- 2003 is the only year left and I am almost done month sorting.. GO ME!
I did drop off the disposable camera to be developed so I will have baby photos back by the end of the week.... I am so excited.. I truly can not wait.

DH also got a sign on bonus with his NEW job, and we are allowing ourselves some LONG overdue play money.. about 200 each.. including some fun things for the girls... WOO HOO.. see, NEW can be good... I am drooling about the new toys I might buy .. just for me..

Also, Big dd lost her first tooth.. it was a momentous occassion.. she was truly over the moon about it.. the other tooth is right behind it and I am sure there will be more dollars to collect from the tooth fairy in the not so distant future..

If I knew better I would be off to bed. but this photo pile is calling me.. so we'll see who wins..

:) Monique

Saturday, August 2, 2008

just shoot me now..

Last post I mentioned that I am organizing my basement.. this includes my scrapbooking stuff.. trying to make the space look pretty to entice us to use it more than we currently do.. so far, it's now working..

one of my major projects would be to organize 9 boxes of misc photos into the correct order and figure out what I do and don't have scrapbooked.. well.. this project is really motivating because I truly would love to print and and begin scrapbooking 2008 photos, especially .. baby photos ...
well.. I did great, 2004, 2005, 2006 and 2007 are organized.. YES, I have a box that is considered like a round 2 box, just stuff that didn't make it into the right spot the first time, portraits, which are stored elsewhere and that sorta stuff.. I am even taking the time to throw away lousy photos, or photos I will never need copies off.. I am also starting piles of photos to give away to specific people and then I plan to just go through the extra stuff and sort through what I can reasonably give away to others too.. I don't need all these photos hanging around..
especially considering there are about 3 more boxes hiding in the back room somewhere..

however, 2002 & 2003 are killing me.. half of them are not labeled, don't know what I have or have not already used and I can't even tell how old Miranda is.. OH MAN this is going to be a long and laboring process.. I must try to find the will to convince myself that this process is worth it.. and it' s not working ...

on a good note, the baby is sleeping sweetly in her swing.. :)

off to do some more sorting..
If I knew better I would never have let this mess get as bad as it is...
:) Monique