Sunday, June 15, 2008

another sunday..

We are totally being slackers... well, I am not.
I have done 3 loads of laundry, cleaned off the table, emptied recycling, loaded the dishwasher, stripped dd bed and plan to start another load of laundry in a few minutes.. the weather has dropped by about 30 degrees from 100's to 70's and I am making the best of the weather.. rest breaks are still often, but trying to get things accomplished so I am not sweltering..

dh is a hurting until.. putting the crib together put his foot in some weird spots.. we tried doing some shopping but the wheelchair did his arms in.. so he is resting and relaxing as he should, it is father's day..

the cold wet is keeping DD in and playing with her pony toys right now.. after I am done laundry we are playing some games and then have plans for a late lunch / early dinner for Father's Day.. should be a good time.. Friendly's is where I THINK we are going.. nothing fancy, but it comes with ice cream.. so yeah!

yes, this is a boring day here, quiet and loaded with nothingness, but I being as tired as I am, I am not compaining.. (I was up 8 times to tinkle last night and had quite a bit of discomfort )

If I knew better, I would be taking a nap, but DD needs some attention too..
:) Monique

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