Wednesday, May 21, 2008

an ode to cereal...

I absolutely LOVE cereal.. it is a relatively healthy meal that can fill you up, provide vitamins and nutrients and you get to pour milk all over it.. when you are done, a sweet little milk confection right there in the bottom of the bowl... aaaaaaaaaaahhhh.. heaven..

can you guess which of my pregnancy cravings is back in the running for favorite..
DH claims that I over did the Whopper Jr. -- but seriously, I didn't.. just ate them when the motion struck me.. and Rita's, while yummy and delicious is so on the other side of everything, so I can't get there as often as I like..but cereal.. I can buy a new box every week and never be disappointed..

sometimes, it's cheerios with strawberries, or frosted flakes with those delicious berries..
this weeks choice is Apple Jacks, a few weeks ago, Golden Grahams, before that Fruity Pebbles.. I ate a half stale box of Pops just because I hate to waste cereal, it's so expensive.. cookie crisp, plain cheerios, any thing.. the list is endless .. I buy about one box a week and will often eat it for dinner, or breakfast... seldom for lunch, that is my bigger meal of the day..

but cereal, my fine fine friend.. you never stray from perfection, you always deliver what I am seeking and truly make me and my baby very very happy..
and so to the cereal makers of the world .. I say a true and hearty.. "Thank you"

If I knew better, I would off doing something more worth while like my taxes, but I have been out shopping most of the morning and am just a little bit tired.. perhaps a nap today..

ps.. 5 weeks and 6 days.. woo hoo
:) Monique


Anonymous said...

Oh girl, we must be related! Cereal is my favorite. I could eat it any time of the day. Honey Bunchs of Oats is my favorite, but I recently switched to Fiber One, healthier. Have you ever tried it with yogurt? Good stuff!!

Annette 33

Anonymous said...

My husband would be with you, but sadly he seems to have developed an intolerance to milk-he would sit at breakfast on the weekends and eat two huge, and I mean huge, bowls of cereal with just as much milk. Poor guy, he really misses it, but it was doing a job on him big time. cz scrap