Wednesday, May 7, 2008


Cursed this thing called nesting.. I am totally in the middle of it.
Not long ago I deep cleaned Miranda's room, this week I did our room, just have the curtains left and today, I did the kitchen, moved all the furniture, vaccuumed crumbs from just about everywhere and did under the stove and fridge too.. wiped down the cabinets and cleaned the fridge at the start of the week.. the curtains are new and freshly cleaned, but I did wash the door window and if I could figure out how to wash the window over the sink I would.. but that will have to wait.. then I washed the floor when I was done.. I did remember to thank DH for splurging on the hardwood floors.. I truly love them.. we are still paying for them, but I love them so much.
but the kitchen is done -- oh and the easter stuff is all put away.. my daughter still has all of her easter candy to eat, 3 chocolate bunnies and some eggs too. can you tell I can't eat much chocolate while I am pregnant?? otherwise, these would have been LONG gone.. she has seen them daily and never even asks for it.. mind you, carmel hershey kisses are another story all together.
I did most of the living room a while back, I might try to get a friend to sew a quick seam on my curtains that are too long.. then I will wash the windows and wash the floor.. and another room done. One would think my tired self would be doing less and just resting, but I do one room a day and it just feels good..

Mind you, I SHOULD be working on cleaning up the basement some so that we can clear the toys out of the playroom.. then hire my nephew to move the baby furniture to the baby's room so that DH can put it together.. the only thing that makes me sad is that the room MAY not get painted.. buy maybe a huge drive of ambition will hit in June.. problem is, I can't do ladders.. so that might not happen, unless I pay my brother.. hmmmm.. maybe as a gift to the baby he will do it.. we'll see..

but I am working on getting my house ready, making sure that things are looking good for the baby's arrival. Dh just shakes his head.. feeling bad he can't help, but in all honesty, would he help anyways? questions to ponder.

If I knew better, I would be looking up the recipe for chicken piccatta that need and not blogging, but this nest thing is totally on my melon today..

:) Monique

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