Wednesday, May 14, 2008

if it wasn't for bad luck..

Seriously, the way things have been going lately, if it wasn't for bad luck, I would have no luck at all. well, after a brief conversation with DH this morning, we were discussing how even though things are bad, they could be worse than they are.. we are still very lucky and I count my blessings more so lately than I ever have..

well, after stopping to buy milk (at 4.59 a gallon) and a coffee for DH, I was driving home and was rear ended.. Yes, my belly did hit the steering wheel, BUT not badly. I was wearing my seatbelt, no air bag deployed and the damage really seemed minimal.. well, it's not.. there is a giant crack in the bumper and the seams are bulging.. so much for a nothing ordeal. thankfully for me, we already had a dr. appt. he was not worried.. he check me out and since there was no leaking, bleeding or real pain ... not to worry.. call if there was a problem. he did the normal check, I gain 2 lbs in the last 2 weeks and the baby is measuring just fine.. also, the heartbeat is just perfect. good to know.

Dh is still having work issues.. umm.. way to ugly to discuss, plus, legally, I don't think I can or should address them here. just picture an ugly situation getting uglier.

then, when we get home, we get a letter of denial from the health insurance company for the bone stimulator the we needed.. um.. 4600.00 is alot of money.. hopefully we can use the appeal process and be fruitful.

I cried this morning, mostly out of fear for something being wrong with the baby.. but right now.. I am laughing because seriously, if I started crying, who knows when it will stop... *SIGH*

I will survive this and whatever else I get thrown my way and I will continue to count my blessings.. .like a healthy and safe growing baby, a beautiful 5 year old who is growing up faster than I can thing and dh who loves me and a house to call home..

if I knew better, I would be taking a nap before I made dinner, but instead I think i am going to play with my daughter.. :)

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