Thursday, May 22, 2008


I find myself sitting here, wondering what to blog about... life has become pretty status quo.. nothing positive to report -- but nothing negative either.. we are surviving..

the one thing I am thinking about is how COLD it is.. it is the very low 60's if even that.. this cold air needs to go.. I actually have my little electrical heater out to warm me up.. doing NOTHING for my feet, but making me warmer on top.. :) good thing these little heaters are..

I find myself getting to a rut of being a slacker... not working much has been good & bad.. I am a sub teacher and with only a few weeks left to the school year, people are not really calling out, Plus, college kids out are and cheaper to employ.. another thing, being so pregnant and the kids that I could potentially work with.. I am a risk... so while the money would be great right about now -- it's not happening.... so I am resting more, relaxing more and trying to get things done around the house.. I am limited by the fact that I feel as though I have a basketball in my way of doing anything significant.. plus, I get exhausted very quickly.. I keep on trying.. and to boot, dh is still working from home.. his butt is on my couch with his laptop trying to get things done for work.. I so prefer being home alone .. gets cleaning, bill paying and organizing done easier.. call me selfish. but I like my alone time.. and soon -- as in 5 weeks and 6 days.. I will be home alone no longer.. so excited about that..

I have been getting some scrapbooking done. did the 3 birthday pages from my daughter's album.. cute.. I have a ton of Blue's Clue stickers that she is just DYING to get her hands on.. told her she would have to wait until I was done.. using up stickers on a scrapbook page is quite a big deal for me... I have more than I need and using them is feeling so good.. this scrap as much as you can without buying thing is fun -- but hard.. I could so use an inspiring jaunt to the scrap store.. maybe saturday.. they are having a sale..

seeing as I have truly blogged about nothing, I will end by saying that if I knew better, I would get off this computer and doing something productive..

Here is to getting something productive done for me and everyone!
:) Monique

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We had our preschool class picnic yesterday and felt the same way you do-the weather has been about the same for us and we all said it was time for the cold weather to go!!!!!It was so warm just before mother's day I figured all my veggies would do well and I shouldn't plant the cold weather ones. Well, I should've planted the peas and lettuce-oh well. Enjoy your down time-I like my alone time in the house too, and as much as I like havng my family with me, I am always quite happy when they all go back to school and work! cz_scrap
PS-YOu've been quite the busy blogger!!!