Saturday, May 3, 2008


I approach you today on the realization of something grand..
I am a box hoarder.. not the extreme kind that need interventions or anything, but I save boxes and am hard pressed to part with them..

Today, I was doing some cleaning of my scrapbooking stuff and managed to empty out 2 cardboard boxes, I have been working, struggling really, to rid my house of all these boxes.. I keep them to sort stuff, empty big piles into little ones and then swear that I will take those piles of boxes and empty them -- then part with the box..
I am working hard on emptying the boxes but when I do, I can't part with the box, I am afraid that I will need it again before another good box like that comes into the house.. it's a sickness.. if there were support groups, I would go. you are likely to be laughing at me by this point, but it's true..
Tonight, no matter what else I do, I am going to break down and recycle 2 great boxes that I have for years.. (one of them is a diaper box from when Miranda wore a size 6 diaper.. Um.. hello, she is almost 6 years old!)
it will be a painful process.. but I will do it..
as God is my witness I will do it..

If I knew better, I would do it now, rather than waiting and filling the stupid thing up..

ps.. one would swear that I didn't have any rubbermaid or plastic boxes, but that is my other addiciton.. which is for another day...

:) Monique

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Oh, you crack me up! This sounds like something I would do!! And then once I recycle the box I do end up needing it! It's just a vicious cycle!!