Monday, May 19, 2008

in my next life..

I am going to start this blog entry with the simple statement that my comments might sound sexist.. I am not a sexist.. but today, my comments are.. I am over tired and slightly cranky.. but 'tis how I be feeling at the moment..

in my next life, I am coming back as a man...
not only do they get to pee standing up, they get to have children without being pregnant & no matter what is wrong, a child will never yell "daddy" in the middle of the night to help them sit on the potty for what seems like HOURS...
they get better salary, don't have PMS and bloat up like a balloon each month and have cheaper dry cleaning bills and never wonder if clothes make their butt look big..
A man.. that is what I will be in my next go around on the planet..

if I knew better, I would not be making such comments, but seriously, I challenge anyone to prove these things wrong..
Happy Monday all, hope it was a good one..
:) Monique


Unknown said...

Oh, you crack me up!! Somedays I wish to be a man too! Maybe if Chad could have the child the next time around I would want another!! But they have their own worries so I am sure it isn't all it's cracked up to be!!!!

XerxesB said...

oh please.....the worst part about being a man is having to listen to a woman complain.

that fact alone would counter any argument you could put forth.

Anonymous said...

You are too funny(although I know what you mean). I always thought I'd like to be a man for one day, just to feel what it is like, but I'm really glad I'm a woman-cz scrap