Thursday, May 1, 2008

a ct scan and several days later..

well, it's been a few days since the ER visit.. Fuzzy truly is a trooper.. he has amazing movement and is really moving around quite well.. I know when I broke my ankle I was miserable and in a ton of pain.. Mind you, it was January and not April / May.. so the weather was really against me.
But seriously, he has been great about helping where he can and totally being appreciative of everything I have had to do with/for him.. which is nice. Mind you, I am feeling seriously overwhelmed by the fact that I am doing it all.. literally..
carrying the laundry up and down the stairs has been the biggest strain, because I am not supposed to be lifting and therefore, must carry in 1/2 loads.. honestly.. it totally sucks.. and for me, a person who usually gets all the laundry done, washed, folded and put away on a Monday, umm. it's Thursday and the towels have not even been washed yet and they won't until tomorrow.
my new philosophy.. do what you can... it WILL still be there the next time you think of it.

also, trash.. this is the one thing I hate.. I hate taking out the trash.. and I am doing it. for some strange reason, I have developed a very unhealthy fear of our back deck stairs (not really a deck, more of a large flight of stairs with a landing at the top.. in the winter, I was so afraid that in the snow/ice I might fall down the stairs if I took something out, that I became paranoid about them and hence where I am now. the stairs are totally safe, can totally support me, no real loose boards or anything.. just my fear.. I am working overcoming it.. but seriously.. trash sucks more than the laundry deal.

on a good note, things are staying a little bit cleaner lately.. mind you, no one is really working this week and I have a few extra minutes in the day to do little things.. we'll see what next week brings.. I do know that it MUST bring back my ambition to clean up the dinner dishes RIGHT AFTER dinner and clean up the kitchen and prep for the next day.. I really miss that the most.. but I am tired and slacking.. ALso, we have not been eating at the table, rather more in the living room so that Fuzzy can elevate his foot and by this point in the day, he is due for it.. but being in the living room puts on the tv and just creates a bad habit.. for this week.. I am letting it fly.

Pregnancy cravings... I so am loving Burger Kings Whopper Jr.. that's it. no fries, no drink, nothing.. LOVE THEM.. burgers on the whole are making and the baby quite happy. also seriously craving the cold stuff again, most recently, a Slush or Italian Ice from Rita's. the place is a good distance from my house.. like 3 cities over. but I am making the journey this weekend and it's going to be a LARGE.. as in as big as I can get.. if they were closer.. I would be eating them all the time.. oh man are they yummy.. I want one RIGHT now..

All in all, I am feel overwhelmed, but appreciated. Frustrated by the antics of my 5 year old, but struggling for more patience since she must be feeling all these stressors too. Tired, but accepting of it because I am 30 plus weeks pregnant. Appreciative of my friends who listen to me through all my tales of woah!

If I only knew better, I would have started a load of laundry, but Ugly Betty is SOOO calling my name..
:) Monique


Unknown said...

Ooh, I craved slurpees when I was pregnant w/Shelby! The lady in our baby class said you will crave what your body is lacking. So what was my body lacking?? I stumped her w/that one!!

Anonymous said...

Defintiely go for Ugly Betty(I know I'm a day late) and Rita's-take care of yourself however you can-you are an incredible woman. Hang in there, it will get better! cz scrap