Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Confessions of a Stasher..

Hello, my name is Monique and I am a stasher....

In my efforts to blog more, I have momentarily stopped cleaning up my scrapbook area and decided to post on my blog.. I have been so bad about such things lately (any port in a storm to put off cleaning..)

so.. I have come to the conclusion, I am stasher.. I decide to clean and organize something and use an empty box to sort, then I never finish the project and I have a million and 2 boxes floating my house with random piles of junk in them.. this is especially true of my scrapbook stuff.. just this week I was cleaning out a box of stamps I have not used or touched since we moved in (um.. 2 years ago) and in doing so, I found a few things I have been needing, like a package of page protectors for a binder and Miranda's passport.. you know.. that crazy thing that I had to pay another 80 bucks for because I tore the house apart and could not find it.. well, I stashed it into a box...

In the past, I have blogged about ridding my life of the boxes.. this is HARD for me.. I love a good box, but i have been trying with all my might to purge it as soon as it empties..

my goal for the next two (okay maybe three, mind you, I orginally had one, then changed it to two, and now I am upping it to three -- procrastinator that I am) month is to unearth all my stashed & stuff boxes, however many there might be - and put it away.. and get rid of the boxes..

so.. January 1, 2009 at 8:43 pm. I vow to be done with this.. I will report my progress and updates.. honestly, right now.. I am afraid of what the hell I am going to find... good thing the big sisters come to my house once a month for donations and there is not limit on the quantity of paper & boxes one can recycle..because mine will be overflowing...

if I knew better.. I would leave well enough alone and leave the messes where they are.. but I am starting to think I just can't live like this anymore...

think good thoughts for me as I journey slowly into my own personal insanity..
:) Monique

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