Saturday, October 4, 2008

belle, gisele, ariel & finally sharpay...

Halloween costume choice.. we have looked at, discussed them and looked at them all too..
(who the heck knew that costumes would run you 80 bucks)
either way.. my daughter settled on being Sharpay from High School Musical.. if the costume fits she is going to wear it..
we were supposed to be Tom (DH) Jerry (big DD) and baby nibbles (baby girl) that would have rocked.. but dd changed her mind..
then, they were supposed to be characters from Phineas & Ferb, because the baby would be Perry the platypus, because they don't do much.. (this joke is funnier if you have seen the show).. but she outed that idea too..
Then, my older sister from Chicago bought the baby a monkey costume.. at first it was too big, but now.. it totally rocks on her.. so stinking cute.. DH has agreed to be the man in the yellow hat.. making the baby curious george.. I want big DD to be a banana.. so cute. but she is outing the idea..

so.. we have a monkey, a yellow hat & sharpay.. Personally, I will be wearing my Halloween vest that my mom made me...
gotta love Halloween..

If I knew better, i would still love Halloween.. and let the kids pick their own costumes.. just like I am...
:) Monique


Anonymous said...

Costumes? Ugh, haven't even given it a thought yet. I think this is my year to buy them. I buy every other year, and they have to come up with something for the next year. I usually don my bathrobe and pjs for a costume. It is warm, and easy to put together.

weebles said...

ohh.. I like that idea..
warm & cozy..

Anonymous said...

You could put a shower cap on your head. One time I even stuck the tv remote in my pocket, lol. I wore fuzzy slippers last year. Maybe a facial mask on your face, or something that looks like it. Curlers in your hair. Each year you could look different, yet the same, lol.