Sunday, October 5, 2008


Sunday once again.. my gratitude time..

1. I am grateful for having the means to get a cleaning company this week.. I feel blessed that my husband let me do it.. really a treat.. and honestly.. it feels so good.

2. my sister.. she really went out of her way to help me today.. and even took time to play with me & the girls yesterday

3. my friends.. they rock.. and all got along well.

4. that the little girls all got along so well.. let us grown ups play too

5. the I get to play & scrapbook ALOT this week.. since all of my housework is all done.. Well, not the ironing & the floors need a good wash too..

6. the baby was really good.. a little over stimulated,but good.

7. the clean up of the house is already done -- what a good feeling

8. the closets for both girls have been switched over and only the fall / winter stuff is out.. (we have double closets so it was just a matter of moving things around & taking out the stuff that is too small)

9. I get to scrapbook this week.. my mojo is already going... I can't wait

10. might be getting new photos of the girls done this week.. baby girl 3 month, big girl 6 years & a photo of them together.. ohh.. I see an expensive target bill... but the photographer ROCKS..

okay.. I am seriously off to do laundry.. just felt like I needed to take my gratitude time...

:) Monique

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