Tuesday, April 22, 2008

not too bad...

Okay.. so Monday I did not work.. didn't get all the list done either..
But, on a serious note.. I could move into Miranda's room and live happy..
her room is totally clean, wiped the wall, dusted the baseboards, polished the wood, cleaned the dresser out, the closet was already done, weeded out baby books and put in new ones, got rid of shoes that don't fit, stripped her bed, washed everything, same to the window, new clean curtains..
seriously, the room just felt good to be in.. I dusted vaccuumed, the whole thing.. AHHH-- one small space of perfection... BLISS..

I also got all the laundry washed & folded, all of it.. nothing left but the clothes we had on.
cleaned up the living room and did up the bathroom.. felt great!
I recruited Fuzzy for the dishes in the sink and dinner dishes, I have to finish the pans tonight..

but I am tired.. I worked today and I in my recent state of feeling pregnant, I am tired. I needed a nap, as usual, but I really really slept. like an excess of an hour.

On a good note.. I passed my glucose test.. SOOO thrilling to hear good news..
leftover chinese for dinner, Miranda will be thrilled to have chicken nuggets.. no tears over dinner tonight.. so that is a plus..

If I knew better, I would realize how much I am babbling.. and today I do know better -- so I will end this here...

:) Monique


AlehouseGirl said...

Yay! You passed!!! That rocks. I'm sorry the test sucks so much, but you passed!

Be proud, even at 7 months pregnant and working you got more accomplished today than I did, that's for sure. BTW, I think making a list should count as an item on the list :).

Anonymous said...

I am so excited about your pregnancy. I think you are doing great. Posting on your blog should count as an accomplishement, too!

Donna D