Wednesday, April 16, 2008

I have been robbed..

Okay.. I don't know how it happened..
maybe all 5 of us (me, dh, miranda, my dr. and a med student) in his tiny little office..
maybe the host of issues, like a minor infection or my quick discussion of having my tubes tied at the birth of the new baby --
maybe his shock over my willingness to still tie the tubes with the knowledge that something, God forbid could happen to the baby..
maybe the fact that my stinkin' glucose test came back at 152 where 135 is normal..
I don't know, but somewhere in the middle of this insane appt, I lost a week.. I thought I was 29 weeks and 1 day.. according to all the emails I have been getting with my new due date posted accurately, or the calendar markings, or whatever other method I have been using to track this baby.. I lost another week... I am, according to my dr. 28 weeks and 1 day pregnant..
this is the second if not the 3 time this has happened..
seriously, for a woman who really dislikes being pregnant.. not great news..
only good thing.. my due date remains the same.. July 1 at 7 am... so thankful for that..
unless the princess comes early..

either way.. I am offically down another 4 lbs from a month ago. so for a grand total of 25 lbs lost and 7 months pregnant.. I am not upset.. the baby is growing well, atleast according to the ultrasound and other than my glucose being a little high, all seems well.
we are eating better and started walking together at night as a family.. just a few blocks -- but still more than we were doing and great to get us all moving.. the weather is beautiful and it's fun.. we are talking, laughing and playing the alphabet game, which is always good for a preschooler.. I also found out that my husband can't remember the sequence of the alphabet without singing it.. you know - I bet he is not alone.. because I have worked with the alphabet so closely for so long.. I know mine.. even without singing it.

okay.. enough complaining...
If I only knew better, I would focus on the July 1st and not worry about the weekly numbers..
my little girl will be here soon.. and honestly, I can't wait..

:) Monique


XerxesB said...

you know for all the time i've been reading your blog, i thought DH meant dickhead and was used in reference to your husband.

if i only knew better, i wouldn't have had the illusion destroyed by my wife who explained what it actually means...

weebles said...

dick head is NOT a term I would use for my DH - or dear husband..
he really is a great guy...

AlehouseGirl said...

LMAO...Okay, best comment ever :P. I'm glad I'm not the only one who fills in the blanks when clueless about abbreviations.