Friday, April 25, 2008

harder than I thought

I thought going back to work would be a piece of cake..
I haven't really worked a whole bunch since last summer.. the start of school is slow work for Subs and then with start of my pregnancy being so yucky, my uncle being sick and then the vacation, not too much work for me.. but after Uncle Joe passed and our need for the money, I thought I would and could return to work full time. *sheesH* tough work -- all you ladies who do it all the time, bless your hearts.. I know how lucky I am that Fuzzy is cool about things.. I was supposed to work today and just felt so YUCKY... I am seriously thinking that I might have to do 3 days each week and count my blessings.. we'll see.. because we could use the money.

I also caved and bought 2 outfits for the baby.. one probably to come home in and one dress that matches one of Miranda's sundresses.. she picked that one out.. so tiny and OH so cute.
other wise, I did NOTHING all day... I am really really really feeling pregnant and the baby has been so active lately... I know I am whining.. and if I knew better.. I would stop.. but I AM pregnant and it's not easy.. especially with all the stresses in life right now..

:) Monique

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