Saturday, August 2, 2008

just shoot me now..

Last post I mentioned that I am organizing my basement.. this includes my scrapbooking stuff.. trying to make the space look pretty to entice us to use it more than we currently do.. so far, it's now working..

one of my major projects would be to organize 9 boxes of misc photos into the correct order and figure out what I do and don't have scrapbooked.. well.. this project is really motivating because I truly would love to print and and begin scrapbooking 2008 photos, especially .. baby photos ...
well.. I did great, 2004, 2005, 2006 and 2007 are organized.. YES, I have a box that is considered like a round 2 box, just stuff that didn't make it into the right spot the first time, portraits, which are stored elsewhere and that sorta stuff.. I am even taking the time to throw away lousy photos, or photos I will never need copies off.. I am also starting piles of photos to give away to specific people and then I plan to just go through the extra stuff and sort through what I can reasonably give away to others too.. I don't need all these photos hanging around..
especially considering there are about 3 more boxes hiding in the back room somewhere..

however, 2002 & 2003 are killing me.. half of them are not labeled, don't know what I have or have not already used and I can't even tell how old Miranda is.. OH MAN this is going to be a long and laboring process.. I must try to find the will to convince myself that this process is worth it.. and it' s not working ...

on a good note, the baby is sleeping sweetly in her swing.. :)

off to do some more sorting..
If I knew better I would never have let this mess get as bad as it is...
:) Monique


Anonymous said...

I need to do the same. I am so far behind, and get further because I am so unorganized. I start a scrapbook, and never seem to finish it, then I start another one. I have older dd's first year still not done, she is turning 10 next month. I have never scrapped anything on little dd and she is 7 now. You are already ahead of the game. Keep up the good work.

cz scrap said...

I'll make you feel better-I need to go back to 1988, when ds was born. Granted the photos are in envelopes and I did label the envelopes, but not the photos(except I just realized they are in sleeve type albums, not the envelopes-ugh-oh well). You are doing such a good job, especailly with a new baby..and you are doing a great job keeping up your blog(I've been very remiss!).