Thursday, August 21, 2008

thoughts on kindergarten

It's been a good, but busy week.. the house isn't as clean as a result of all my running around either.. oh well. that will change..

Kindergarten is still weighing heavy on my mind.. very much so..
I am nervous about my baby going off to school -- she is so excited and really showing the independence to make it on her own.. she is making new friends already, enjoying the toys and as we discovered this week.. she can read.. and not just books that are familiar to her, but everything.. she sounds out words and really tries.. BLOWS ME AWAY.. we read to her a ton but have never sat down and taught her any of this.. it's amazing...

her deductive reasoning skills are blossoming too.. just today while at orientation she was playing with blocks, pattern blocks.. and she informed me that 3 triangles make a trapezoid and 6 make a hexagon.. um.. hello, those were words I did not know until 8th grade or geometry. yet, she figured it out.. she has always been good at the visual stuff.. could go 50 plus piece puzzles by 4.

she is smart and will do well, her teacher seems nice.. just the social piece I am worried about.. she is quite the chatter... we'll see..

*sigh* I know I am not alone in this quest for understanding why our babies have to grow up and go off to school -- I was with a room FULL of parents thinking the same thing today, yet, I feel so all alone.. like I am sending my baby, my little little baby off into the big bad world...
but she is smart and has some common sense.. and I guess she has to do it sooner or later...
is it wrong for me to wish it was later??

If I knew better, I would be celebrating my baby's next big step into independence, but right now, I am wollowing in self pity and a decent surge of post partum emotions.. so I am entitled.. just a little...

:) Monique

1 comment:

cz scrap said...

Monique-you are entitled...a whole lot!!! It's part of motherhood-and it's part of sending them off to middleschool, high school and then college where you aren't even around at all(how did that help your ppd :)????-sorry!).Each steps helps prepare you for the next, it's a constant process of being there for them and letting go....and finding that fine line between the two. So hard to do, but a necessity if you want your child to become a well adjusted adult-I can tell you are doing a wonderfu job-congrats to older dd for doing so well-isn't it fun when they do-makes you sooooo proud!!