Monday, August 4, 2008

a whole new world..

No secret for my love of Mondays.. I just love the newness of them..
Well.. today was the official start of DH NEW job.. he is commuting to Boston, so he gets up as a NEW time to start his day, I too am getting up early to ensure my time for a shower before the girls get up.. working on his NEW routine and my NEW routine to still get things done..
it will all be changing by the end of the month when DD starts kindergarten... but it's NEW and like anything NEW, there is change.. and for me.. change is really really hard.. I am bumming about how late DH is coming home, but we are working on that.. once we establish a rhythm & routine, things will work out just fine... still change is hard.. although getting a paycheck again will be a NEW change that I welcome...

Tonight DH and I sat down and filled out the paper work for his job, direct deposit, and health insurance.. this will be our LAST month to pay.. WOO HOO... another good thing coming from a NEW change..

I was able to clean all 3 bedrooms, do all the laundry, even if it is not all put away and clean up the kitchen .. also, while baby girl took her pm nap I was able to get in all my ironing for the week for DD & DH.. woo hoo..

I have my list of things to do for tomorrow and I plan to include some fun stuff.. maybe some shopping.. I have returns galore to do.. so we will have to see.. I plan to meet up with a friend and her kids on Friday and lunch on Thursday to show off my new baby, and maybe a wednesday play date with my scrapping buddy.. see, I am fitting it all in.. next few weeks is dr. appts for me & the baby.. so this is my fun week..

photo sort going well -- 2003 is the only year left and I am almost done month sorting.. GO ME!
I did drop off the disposable camera to be developed so I will have baby photos back by the end of the week.... I am so excited.. I truly can not wait.

DH also got a sign on bonus with his NEW job, and we are allowing ourselves some LONG overdue play money.. about 200 each.. including some fun things for the girls... WOO HOO.. see, NEW can be good... I am drooling about the new toys I might buy .. just for me..

Also, Big dd lost her first tooth.. it was a momentous occassion.. she was truly over the moon about it.. the other tooth is right behind it and I am sure there will be more dollars to collect from the tooth fairy in the not so distant future..

If I knew better I would be off to bed. but this photo pile is calling me.. so we'll see who wins..

:) Monique

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I gave older dd a student control journal that I downloaded, from Flylady. The girl is getting her routine down! She even remembered to take her medicine this morning, because she put it down in her routine. Now if I could get my routine down. Been trying for years. Hug those girls for me!