Sunday, August 17, 2008

sunday eve..

what a great day, we all slept in just a little, Dh more than the rest of us, but it worked out..
I got to make muffins & color with big dd while baby dd slept in with DH..
after a late breakfast we went outside once again to do yard work.. while dh mows the back yard, big dd rides her scooter and we take the stroller for baby girl. it's a good walk, the one we did every night before dh broke his foot.. well, halfway through the walk, I made a phone call and big dd ended up talking to my sister on the cell for about 10 minutes or so, this is a huge deal for her, she never wants to talk to my sister.. made them both very happy, made the walk worth it..

while dh mowed the front yard, we hooked up the sprinker in the back for big dd.. she was LOVING it.. and since baby dd was sleeping, I went and weeded again then sprayed the weeds for me to remove later in the week -- if I have time.. crazy week in this house.. something big every day..
monday - eye dr. appt for big dd
tuesday - breakfast & walk with my godmother
wedneday - baby girl has appt with ent.. follow up appt.
thursday - kindergarten orientation -- I am really worried about this.. but dd isn't.. she is getting more and more excited as the days pass until the start of kindergarten.. (i have more thoughts on this and will post later)
friday - maybe a day for me to play.. also big dd last day of camp...

like I said, crazy crazy week.. who am I kidding? every week is a crazy week lately, but today after the yard work was done, we just HUNG OUT.. we played Barbie pool, sprinkers, swinging on the swing set.. and baby girl was in her swing out there too.. just a great day.. finished up with a vist from my other sister, the younger one and her dog for a BBQ.. seriously, I love grilling out, but I hate hauling all of the stuff out just to eat, then haul it right back it.. still makes dd happy, so we do it.. and a great mystery for me, we didn't even eat in the house, yet my kitchen table is one GIANT mess.. I mean, it was clean last night and most of this morning.. what the hell happened??

okay, the point to this blog post, being a sunday, I was feeling like I should be doing a grateful list, a list of things I am grateful for.. I actually think that this is going to be a weekly post for me.. I think it's the catholic church raising that made me think that I should be doing this on a sunday.. (this thought made me think of my mom.. well, not true, I have had my mom on my mind alot lately, also, the topic for another blog)

so, 10 things I am grateful for..

1. Dh got paid this week, it was nice.. finally being able to pay bills & NOT pull the money from savings... good feeling.. very good feeling..

2. baby girl is sleeping very well at night, not a great napper, but super at night, she still wakes up for a bottle every 3 or 4 hours, but goes right back to sleep..

3. big dd is such a great kid, she is still adjusting to sharing our attention, but really makes the best of it.. and tries really hard to be gentle with the baby..

4. I got some scrapbooking done this week.. just a little bit, like 5 pages, but some time, just for me..

5. I was able to connect and visit with my friends and make plans to do it again.. I am happy about this..

6. time with my family.. today just rocked, we were just together, working & playing..

7. my new camera, this should have been my number one, dh and I found a great deal and we bought a cannon power shot.. now, I know that I should have held out for a digital SLR, but honestly, I wanted something I can put in my pocket & just take photos with.. the stick we have holds like 1800 photos.. and I plan to start taking more and more..

8. baby girl is really smiling.. seriously, big big smiles.. so wonderful..

9. I cleaned up some in the basement, including my scrapbooking space.. feels good to see things cleaning up again..

10.. dh and I made future plans for the things we want to do in the house / yard.. feels good to be hopeful that we can make improvements to the house and still pay off bills.. just a great feeling all the way around..

okay.. DH wants to check HIS email and baby girl is likely ready for her bed.. I am off to finish watching the movie I fell asleep during.. 21 -- it seems really good.. I guess I am just really tired lately..

:) Monique

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