Sunday, November 18, 2007


As I prepare to embark on a new Monday (I love Monday's, have I mentioned that?) I realize that I have a lot to do.. Thankfully, I am not cooking Thanksgiving, because if I was, it would likely be a well cooked steak or even roast beef.. but that is me.. Seriously, lots and lots to get done.. cleaning my house has been tough lately, smells gets to me quick, and I did quite a bit on Friday, but still needs a good once over again..

Ginger ale IS my new best friend.. LOVE this stuff.. I can tolerate the diet stuff too, at least there is less sugar.. but I am drinking quite a bit of it.. popsicles and orange coollatta's from dunkin donuts are always good too.. still loving the frozen thing..

I have some cards to finish up for a swap, actually, 2 sets.. Christmas & Halloween.. (next time I sign up for a swap, somebody THUMP me.. none until the new year.. I mean it) I still have to work on my cards for THIS year.. I have the stamps out in desperate motivation.. we'll see where it gets me..

I have seriously STOPPED scrapbooking.. I might start making lists for the pages that should / need to get done from the photos that I have.. but it's now working for me to scrap right now.. just not into it and my mind it's working right.. seems pathetic to blame the baby, but I am going with it -- at least for now...

I do have a few gifts to make for christmas and need to think about them.. I also seriously need to work on cleaning my basement.. the guys are coming to put in carpet & laminate next week.. are we ready.. AHHASHAHAHAHAAHAH .. is all I can say..

I am looking forward to Thanksgiving.. good lunch and lots of games and good times with family.. if the weather holds I am looking for a nice family photo outside my mom's house.. would be perfect...but we'll see.. I should very seriously consider shooting at MY house.. but not sure if I can get my sister to do it.. I also want to bring Miranda's scooter for a nice walk after lunch.. she will love it..

what else.. stamps.. I really and getting annoyed by stamps. I have had a ton of mail returned for postage because I thought I was using the forever stamps and wasn't.. arg.. trashing these stamps and only using the new ones.. just NOT worth it anymore.. good thing the credit card companies were kind... hope my godparents are too with their newly late anniversary card..

okay.. it is 8:13 and I am actually feeling good.. maybe tonight I will fold up some laundry..
Good night and happy early turkey day..
:) Monique

1 comment:

XerxesB said...

you missed the recurring theme sign-off of "if i only knew better, i would fold laundry in a ginger ale bottle".

dont worry - i've done it for you now :)