Wednesday, November 7, 2007


I know that living in New England, it's getting colder, but it is still int the 50's and I feel the cold deep in my bones somewhere and I hate it.. I really do..
I hate being this cold, maybe it isn't ALL me.. but I have been so cold lately that I almost want to do NOTHING.. that is bad.. worse than procrastination..

on a good note.. I did finish up the alpha swap today AND I mailed it.. Mindy will be so excited.. seriously, this is my last swap for a good long time.. as fun as getting mail is, doing the work stinks sometimes..

I do want to get DH on the ball and help me make my blog pretty.. I know it can be done..
I need to take some scans of some pages and such...

we went to bj's (sorta like a Sam's club) and stocked up.. cheese, chicken nuggets, bread, orange juice & water... and I got the most yummy deli ham for sandwiches.. YUMMY.. can't wait to make a sandwich tomorrow when I get home from the doctors... ;) more on that later...

I am going to use my little heater here in the cold basement (I could turn on the heat, but dh isn't even that cold) and clean my desk.. might motivate me more to do some scrapping.. I so need to find my mojo again..

if I only knew better.. I would be wiser, but still cold...

:) Monique

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