Friday, November 9, 2007


I went to my homestudy class tonight at Right at Home scrapbook store. I am loving these classes, it's so nice to talk about a book I actually WANT to read and discuss with people who get this whole scrapbooking thing..
YEAH ! Tonight's class rocked, saw some great ideas. But I also found out tonight that there is someone who reads this thing.. so I will keep on blogging, my boring and pathetic life... It has helped me to start writing more, which is what it was supposed to do and I make a few people giggle along the way..

Also, another confirmed piece of information is that we are pregnant. I am so happy.. I am only a hiccup and a half pregnant, like 7 or 8 weeks, but we could not be happier. Having been trying for 3 1/2 years is tough and gets to be disappointing, but we took a test on Halloween and confirmed it with a real blood test on the 1 of November. We have spilled the beans to a few people and it's awesome.

This pregnancy is all together different than with Miranda, I was sick ALL the time. This time, just queasy, and that is okay with me. As time goes on, I will figure out what I can and can not eat and all will be better.

It's exciting new here, BUT I AM STILL COLD.

We get an ultrasound on Tuesday and I am thrilled.. new artwork for the baby's new album.

If I only knew better I would have waited to share the good news -- but I do know better, life is short, celebrate EVERY moment. Besides I stink at keeping secrets..

:) Monique

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

CONGRATS!!!!!!!!! I am so happy for you and your family. Also keep up the great work with your blog, it is on my daily reading list :)
The home study meetings are great, lots of awesome ideas.One more thought, Girl get some flannel pjs & thick socks so you won't be so cold :P
