Thursday, January 29, 2009


I was just tagged on Facebook tonight.. and while I could be doing this there, it seems strange to share THAT much info with people who may not really care, they just friended me because we went to school together or something..

either way.. I was tagged.. the idea is that I post 25 random things about myself... so.. if you followed me here to the blog, you know enough about me and might even be interested.. so.. here goes.. (plus, this counts as an entry... right?)

1. I am one of 7 children, I am 6 in the lineup..
2. I met my husband on the internet in 1995.. he was in australia I was here in the US...
3. we were married in 2001 -- soon to be 8 years...
4. I have a 6 year old daughter who is a mini-me and a 7 month old baby girl..
5. I have a degree in elementary education and special education
6. currently home on mommy duty -- I am so blessed that my dh can support us and I am home.. I can never get these moments back..
7. tacos are like a food group to me.. LOVE THEM
8. cold pizza tastes WAY better than hot.. (my daughter agrees with me too)
9. I love scrapbooking -- probably collecting more than actually doing it..
10. I have met some of my bestest friends because of my addiction...
11. I truly believe that I have the world's greatest pediatrician.. he is just a wonderful and brilliant man who cares for my children and makes me feel at ease..
12. my younger sister STILL drives me crazy
13. I love french vanilla anything -- coffee, ice cream, you name it..
14. I can NOT eat an egg unless it is very very very firmly cooked (I boil them for atleast 15 minutes when I them)
15. I can not make french toast
16. I lost both of my parents to Cancer
17. I have written a children's book for one of my children, working on the second one now
18. I am a reforming pen thief.. I love a good pen ..
19. I totally feel the urge to buy school supplies every September, even when I wasn't in school or I had kids who didn't need them..
20. I absolutely LOVE the smell of a fresh box of crayons.. the points on them turn me on too..
21. I love mushy love songs and soft music..
22. my favorite movies are still Man Without a Face & Dead Poet's Society ( I would throw Xanadu in there too, just cuz I watched it again recently.. the baby loved it)
23. I still miss my mom everyday...
24. My godparents are awesome people.. especially my godmother.. she is a huge part in my life and has always been.. I am blessed..
25. My biggest addiction right now is letter stickers.. I am completely obsessed with them..

okay.. 25 things.. harder than I thought...
if you are reading this.. please consider yourself tagged..

if I knew better, I would be cleaning off my desk and switching laundry..
:) Monique

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Find me on facebook--annette copher oviedo