Thursday, January 1, 2009


It was brought to my attention that I have not blogged since Dec. 3 (thanks Cheryl) I am so bad..
one of my new year resolves is to blog more.. perhaps daily.. this will allow me to keep up with my newest scrapbooking project.. it's called Project 365, basically, I take a photo a day and journal about it.. will this replace my scrapbooking, HECK NO.. my girls still need their albums, but this will allow me to keep up with the boring or uninteresting things that happen, and work on my photography skills... this blog will enable me to help with that.. I know that I check my email atleast once a day, this way, I will blog..

blogging helps me to get thoughts out of my head and on to paper.. I need to start doing that again, when thoughts stay in my head too long, they clutter it and the sock drawer (aka, my brain) gets full and I have trouble doing the things I really should or want to be doing.. so .. if you are a reader of my blog, hang on.. I am about to fill your head with useless knowledge of my everyday life. if you are looking for profound thoughts.. seriously, keep moving, they are likely to be far and few between.. but I promise lots of baby stories (as the littlest one is starting to do more and more everyday, but no poop stories... I promise) blogging also gets me writing again, which is a good thing too.. I MUST MUST MUST finish Miranda's story book this year.. because now i need to write one for the baby. who knows.. I might grow the balls that I need and seek publication.. it's a cute story.. I like it anyways.. which is probably why I am the only one who has read it yet... Courage, that is another thing that I want to work on for the following year..

My word for the year is together.. I will blog more on that tomorrow.. I am cherishing my active reflection on last years word of New.. last year really was a year of new and wonderful things.. a new baby, new experiences, new schools, new jobs, new adventures and a new outlook. I have notes on this subject somewhere in my brain..

right now.. my observance for the day .. BINKIES, or Pacifiers or Dummy.. what ever the heck you call them, it's a little piece of plastic that babies, especially mine.. LOVES.. my question is this.. why do we loose them.. seriously.. we have bought atleast 15 or so by now.. we just can't manage to hang on to them.. I know for sure that the purple one was left in stop and shop by miranda and the pink one was lost on a walk around the neighborhood.. the others.. in their bright green state just manage to disappear.. THANKFULLY, my daughter does not discriminate with the binky of her choice.. as long as the little piece of magic green material is there.. she slips into a state of euphoria.. one that can not be brought on by anything else... WHY.. I get the whole oral fixation thing.. really I do.. Reference Freud in google if you need more on this.. I get that whole natural process of suckling and being calming too.. what I don't get is how I lose these things... it's insane... oh well.. just my observation of the day...

If I knew better, I would making my dh breakfast and moving on, but I had to get those ideas of out my head.. seriously, the scrapbook page that comes is going to be hysterical.. just this week we bought another package of binkies and we not only lost those 2, but 1 of the 1's we had.. craziness..

Oh well.. Happy New Year..
ps.. for those intersted, the kit for Project 365 goes on sale in about 20 minutes.. I need 3 of them.. not all for me.. 2 for friends..

:) Monique

1 comment:

AlehouseGirl said...

Yay! You're back and blogging :). You've inspired me. I'm doing a new blog based on the project you mentioned. Thanks!

Happy New Year! I hope yours is full of togetherness.