Friday, February 1, 2008

Groundhog day...

Okay, I figured I would take the time and post tonight since I won't likely make it on the computer tomorrow.. so..

I love Groundhog Day! I know that many don't even consider it a holiday or think twice about it, but I personally love it.. It's cute, fun and harmless.. It's also all about tradition.. I love tradition.
In fact, my growing family has one of it's own. Every year for Groundhog Day, we order chinese food for dinner and actually eat it in the living room while we watch the movie on tv. We started the tradition when DH and I were first married and then continued it with Miranda.. it's silly, but fun.. she actually looks forward to it now.
A new part of the tradition is that I make cupcakes for day care, preschool or whatever Miranda happens to be in(this was my 3rd year making them) I usually make chocolate cupcakes(dirt), frosted with green (grass) and then pop a little peanut butter cookie in it.. The cookie is perfectly shaped like a groundhog, and I add mini m&m's for eyes, red gel for nose and white frosting teeth.. this year's were the best so far, I planned it right and timed it so that I wasn't rushing the whole things.. they were awesome. So we brought the cupcakes to school and I stayed to read some stories and share my Christmas present from my Uncle Paul -- my groundhog puppet.. seriously, this puppet ROCKED on Christmas.. coolest gift EVER! the kids loved it and i totally had their attention.. plus, I was my little girl's hero for being so cool with a snack and story time for her class.. GOTTA LOVE THAT!

so, yes, I am a freak who loves this holiday.. I love that the country stops, for a minute, not much longer to check in with the little groundhog. is the weather prediction accurate.. no, does it really matter.. NO.. it's about the tradition, the fun of just stopping for a few minutes to check out the tradition of things... it makes me smile and makes me think of when the world was just a little bit simpler.

Now, you can also take the fun to extremes and go to Pennsylvania and rock out with the crazies, which some year, I completely intend to do.. Fuzzy has promised me that one year, we will go.. probably when the little one is old enough to tolerate the cold.

So, please enjoy your Groundhog Day, remember the simplistic times of animals predicting the weather and smile -- it's about tradition...
Enjoy your day -- I know I will

If I knew better, I would be packing my bag to scrapbook with Cheryl and not writing this post so that I can take my medication and go get some very long overdue sleep... but yet, I continue to ramble...


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