Thursday, September 4, 2008

I am getting worse..

I truly am getting worse and worse about posting here..
but honestly, if I make it to the computer during the day, I am usually holding the baby and it's a HUGE pain to type one handed and when I finally make it on the computer at night, I have about an hour or so and I try to get my scrapping time in. Last night I got 2 layouts in the baby's book done.. so.. there is obviously alot to catch up.

1. The big news is that the baby is 2 months old -- time is flying and she is growing. Offiicially she weighs 12 lbs and is about 22 1/2 inches tall.. her reflux is bad.. poor thing suffers quite a bit from it.. they have adjusted the medication once again and hopefullly things will improve.. the next issue is gas problems for her.. but dr. wants to solve one problem at time.. I agree. she is taking 4 oz at a feeding and is comfortably wearing a 3 - 6 month footy pj and still wears 3 month clothes.. poor thing is so long.. and the dr. told me today that we need to start getting her into her crib... man that stinks.. means actually getting out of bed now for bottles.. YUCK..

2. big girl is in kindergarten and really liking it. she still gets a little nervous about the bus every morning, but she is really doing okay. her attitude need some adjusting.. all the freedoms of kindergarten have brought about some independence testing in her behavior & attitude.. all normal I am assuming. we are still working on trying new foods.. someday, she will have dessert again. that is the rule, no dessert if you don't try something new. I just keep putting those fruits & veggies on her plate.... just keep on trying... she is reading so well too, sounding out words, it's great. her current favorite is Biscuit the puppy books.. she is anxiously awaiting the release of the new Barbie movie too.. making plans for the big birthday too.. hard to believe she is going to be 6!! where do the years go.. just yesterday she was the one tormenting me with her desires not to nap.. now, she doesn't need them anymore.. *SIGH*

3. Me, I am doing well. I did gain back 2 lbs.. according to dr. scales .. darn all those ice cream runs.. Officially I have lost, 34 ;bs since I found out I was pregnant. BUT, I am walking twice a day, once in the am after her bus drop off and once in the afternoon with both girls. MUST work on doing it.. also, trying to drink my water.. totally been slacking on that.. my goal would be to lose 5 lbs more by the 4 month visit, which is when i see my dr. again. fingers crossed.

4. Dh job is doing well. he really likes the work, doesn't even mind the commute, just hates the 5:30 wake up. but that should start to improve when the baby starts sleeping better.. and man alive does it feel good to have money to pay bills and even get some back into savings. all the employment issues are not yet resolved, but it's okay.. it will take time. we are even going to see some unemployment money soon.. plus his bonus.. light at the end of the tunnel.

plus, my house is cleaner, less cluttered thanks to the monthly donations to big sisters and it's all working out. we are making plans for improvements, one thing at a time.. right now I am working on the yard & painting a bench & my shed.. FUN HUH?

scrapping as always, doing better than I though too, managed to do like 18 pages last month and have 2 done for this month.. feels good to be working on current stuff and not stressing.. my other new goal is to go with the flow more.. which is TOTALLY not an easy thing for me.

a work is progress is truly what I am... and maybe by my birthday this year, I might have just a little bit more figured out than I did last year.. good thing I still have time.

okay.. I am off..
if I knew better I would go fold a load of laundry while the baby is napping, but I think the big one could use some rocking chair time instead...
:) Monique


Anonymous said...

Wow, can't believe you are working in that scrapping time, and actually getting alot done. You go, girl!

cz scrap said...

Things sound good..I'd be rocking that big girl and maybe dozing off yourself! I wasn't trying to type one handed when ds was born(we had a computer but no internet back then), but I do remember trying to do the New YOrk Times Sunday Crossword puzzle one handed...and being really frustrated. Dh took a photo and it looks really nice-me cuddling ds and doing the puzzle-good thing you can't see what I'm thinking!Congrats on the weightloss-I'm finding walking our new puppy twice a day to be really helping me(especially since I took the kids to Friendly's last night for dinner and splurged and had a happy ending sunday! YOu are doing amazingly well with the scrapping! Keep going!