Thursday, October 25, 2007

pre-k open house

Okay, I know that every parents thinks that their kids preschool is the best, but seriously, mine rocks. I love the ladies there and they really make me feel comfortable and I am only there a short time, so they must really extend that to Miranda.. LOVING IT.
Tonight was open house, there were a few parents there and it was fun to hear them talk about the things that they are doing and the expectations for the upcoming year and such. I used to teach pre-school for special needs children, so I know ALL about what they are doing.. but she is going to have so much fun..

the thing I don't get is no holidays, the kids won't be doing Halloween, thanksgiving or Christmas or anything for that matter.. and I while I understand WHY, I don't get it.. kids love all this stuff.. miffed by it all definitely, but it makes me stand my original opinions.. you can only do so much in school, it is still the responsibility of parents to help education their children at home too..
(I am getting off my soap box now)

I love my little girl and I only want what is best of her, and it seems, her preschool is what is best... I feel lucky to have her going there..

if I knew better, I would be going to bed right now and not blogging or playing solitaire.. but I don't.. so I am off to lose another game..

1 comment:

Lori Lavender Luz said...

I'm glad Miranda's in a school you like.

You got me beat with the screen name. I got mine for no good reason about 2 years ago.

Hope Solitaire is being good to you! (or were you talking World Series?)