Saturday, October 27, 2007

i need to create

in the words of Donna Downey, I just need to create.
My mind is working so fast lately and my body just needs a little rest since the accident (we were rear-ended last saturday) and I have been working on some cards and such, but nothing special or particular in the last 4 or so days..
I need it.. my mind needs it, my hands need it, to be geeky, I think my soul needs it.
I just feel better when I have done something creative.

if I only knew better, I would have figured out that I NEED to be creative a long time ago and I could have saved myself small fortunes in doctor bills for headaches and such... creating eases the soul and that is a great thing...

I am off to create my face to go out tonight, but tomorrow, I am scrapbooking.. NO MATTER WHAT!

:) Monique

1 comment:

Lori Lavender Luz said...

You go, girl! Let that creativity pour out of you, and bless the world with it.

Hope the accident left everyone OK.