Wednesday, March 26, 2008

hoping for normal

Okay, so my blog has been a little.. Blah! lately.. things in my life are just feeling sorta Blah! lately too.. I am really anxiously awaiting April 1, that is the date that I am giving myself to stop feeling .. blah! I know it's only like 4 or 5 days away, but right now.. I feel blah and am think I need to continue feeling blah and I want to feel blah... things are rough in so many ways.. I am starting to crave NORMAL...

normal is Fuzzy working and getting paid
normal is housework -- especially laundry being done by monday, vaccuuming the house and doing what needs doing..
normal is a shower by 7 and bed by 8.
normal is over rated, but so very much appreciated by me.. I like normal, I like miss ruts and desperately crave a routine that is normal where things can be predictable, expected and counted on to happen... I am not big on change, it's hard for me.. I don't like it and resist it.. I know that there are about to be LOTS of changes in the next few months with the baby, but I am expecting those, this stuff in my life lately, not so much.

so here I am to toast normal... may it find me soon.

If I only knew better, I would work harder to accept change, but I am feeling cranky and just don't feel like it today..
:P~~~ Monique

1 comment:

Duenan9926 said...

And once you find normal, you'll probably tire of it too. Isn't that always the way