Monday, March 31, 2008

Doing Better

Okay, so it's a new Monday and almost a new month.. I started back to work today, very excited to be getting the age group I like, the older kids, don't think I can do diapers or lifting right now.. and then I pick up my daughter and she has had really bad runny nose, complaining of feeling yucky and just wanting to go home, put on pj's and snuggle.. 1st day back and already I get tomorrow off for a sick kid.. am I doomed to never make any money...
Seriously, I am not complaining, Miranda hasn't been sick in a while and for that I am truly grateful, and she is a hypochondriac, which doesn't help, but she isn't one to want to miss school -- so a quiet day home might be good for her. Honestly, we might be putting her to work in cleaning up the basement some, just sorting out boxes of junk, etc so that we can start cleaning out the play room for the baby. I am dragging my feet on this-- but it must be done, especially if we are going to paint, which I really would like to do.

I currently have 3 boxes and 2 bags of stuff in that room to donate to good will -- Big Sister's of RI are coming on Thursday.. I love organizations that come to your door to pick up the stuff you don't want. I am working on my next set.. Bonus deal is that you get a slip to claim the stuff as a tax deduction.

Speaking of taxes, that is the project for me later this week..I need to get our receipts in order and once DH get his last W2, we can file.. I pray the tax gods are kind.. I doubt we will see a refund, but not paying is all I am asking for... Must put Call Pete the Accountant on the list for the morning.

I am currently working on the Just 5 list. This means I make a list of 5 things to do for that day.. if I work, then that counts as a something, if not, there is a back up. 5 things is a short list, allows for me to feel successful, which right now, I really need. I also make up a Just 5 list for scrapbooking or fun stuff... that is even more important to me.. makes me feel like I am having some fun too. All of this is helping to lift my BLAH mood that I blogged about last week.

The baby is growing, this morning I finally figured out the rumbling, the baby had the hiccups.. sorta made me giggle to think about it. We have another ultrasound on Friday and I can't wait. Fuzzy is going with me and we are so excited.. I really want to know if this baby is a boy or a girl, mind you, healthy is all I truly want, but knowing is so much easier for me. I am just not the surprise type.. not my thing. Also, this will allow me to get started ON a baby album. which would be sorta fun.. I am still routing team BOY, but not holding my breathe. Also, DH has been in a non-discussion mood on names, which is strange, since we did this all the time for Miranda.. we have names, just not locking anything in yet.... although it would be nice.
We do have a final date and time for our c-section -- July 1 at 7 am, we have to be there by 5:30 am. that is if the baby doesn't come on his or her own.

what else, April 1 is tomorrow and I am feeling optomistic... staying home with Miranda is a good thing, but not working and getting errands done is good too.. we'll see what the am brings.. until then .. I am doing laundry..

If I only knew better I would be sorting a box behind the couch to start sorting the mess, but I think I will find photos and try to scrap one quick layout.. Oh and make my Just 5 list for Tuesday too..

:) Monique

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