Monday, March 17, 2008

heartbeat & modern technology

Okay.. so this being the first official day back to work for all of us, DH could not take the time off for a long lunch to go to a baby appt. He was really upset.. He loves these appt's and especially hearing the baby's heartbeat. I would have rescheduled it, but feeling as yucky as I do with this stomach virus (which apparently is going around) neither of us thought it would be a good idea.

so I go to the appt. and when the dr. comes in, goes over all the routine stuff (side note, stomach virus is not a problem, no harm to the baby, 7-10 days of yuck, call him if it continues, just keep on drinking TONS.. I am totally starting to HATE the taste of vitamin water) ... anyways he gets ready with the doppler and applies the gel. I ask him if the doppler will be loud enough and not give feedback for me to call dh and let him listen. Dr. says it shouldn't.. and guess what .. it worked.. took a few minutes to find the heartbeat, but it was strong and clear and with our cell phone connection, DH heard it ... he says he smiled really big and it made his day. My sister says I am a doctor's worse nightmare and that while he thought it was cute in the office, he and his office staff laughed at me later.. I don't care... Fuzzy was able to be there, without being there.. a win-win in my book.

tommorow I am officially 6 months... I have an appt. for April 4th for an ultrasound with the baby whisperer in his office, apparantly this woman can make every baby co-operate.. I am hoping and praying to find out what this baby is.. we really want to know.. We have to start thinking of names more too, since Max has become the "IT" name this year.. makes me a little sad, because I really liked it, but I am not into trendy names at all.. we'll see..
I also get the glucose test.. YUCK!

other stuff happened, but it's not fun and I don't really care to relive it.. Monday is almost done and I am glad..

oh.. and if you are the praying type.. please pray I find my wallet, credit cards have been canceled, but I still need stuff in it... thanks..
:) Monique

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

WELCOME HOME!!!!!!!! Hope you feel better real soon. Hopefully the baby does cooperate when its time for your ultrasound. Keeping my fingers crossed.
