Sunday, November 23, 2008


with this week being thanksgiving, I must make sure and post my grateful list for the week..
seems like sunday is the only day I even manage to blog anymore..

1. I am grateful that my sister is home from chicago for the holidays.. my older dd loves her to pieces and is excited to see her.. she gets to hang out with the baby too..

2. we got new phones straightened out last night -- my dh can FINALLY get off my back and so can my sisters..

3. big DD got to see the new movie BOLT and I did not have to sit through another kiddie movie.. gotta love the Auntie Jo.. they always hit the movies.

4. I have started my laundry already.. should get 2 loads done tonight..

5. I got 2 scrapbook projects done yesterday.. WOO HOO.. I am so excited about this..

6. putting together the things i need to make the calendar for my mil on winkflash.. doing it before the end of the month..

7. dh is on board with putting the tree up next weekend... I have a boat load of cleaning to do.. but it might happen this week.. YEAH.

8. my sisters helped me string popcorn today.. 10 yards.. I probably need another 5 or 6.. but this is such a head start..

9. while I truly detest toys r us, and christmas shopping, I am just about done and should NOT have to return there but one last time.. YEAH!

10. it's thanksgiving and I am looking forward to spending some time with my brothers & sisters & my little family too..

If I knew better I would realize that the holiday rat race is officially beginning... but the best I can do is smile & embrace it... it comes whether I like it or not..

:) Monique

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