Sunday, May 17, 2009

Sunday... May 17

my oldest dd knew that too.. even without looking at a calendar.. I have no idea how she manages to remember these things..but she does.. makes me smile.

It's been a really really long time since I blogged.. tons has happened..

Highlights --
baby girl started crawling in April and is ready to start walking..
big one loves school and really is developing her reading skills at an amazing rate.. seriously, she is reading well above her grade level.. she absorbs books and really is making great strides in discussing the plot, theme and characters.. obviously we don't talk about it with those words.. just about what is happening, happening next, etc.. we are still devouring the Junie B. Jones series of books, she LOVES them..

the house is still .. oh heck, I am still not ready to laugh about that yet.. so it will have to wait...
let's just say that the first wednesday in April was so awful, and it's a day that just keeps on giving and giving..

we are gearing up here for the end of school, hopefully a kindergarten graduation and then the arrival of the grandparents. my girls will be so thrilled.. followed only by the first birthday.. the big 1. I have begun getting ready, but still sooooo much to be done.. the monkey luau is going to be a blast.

it's cold and rainy here today.. so that means I will get lots of cleaning done -- dh just doesn't know that he is entertainment committee yet.... I will tell him later when I wake him up.. but don't feel too bad.. I am making him crepes for breakfast.. teh stuffed kind.. with savoury fillings.. his favorite..

okay.. off to play some Wii with the big one and then put the little one to bed for a nap...
will try to post again very soon..

If I knew better, I would be packing boxes down here, not sitting on the computer..
:) Monique

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