Wednesday, December 3, 2008

a wednesday...

so, I am trying to get my act in's not working..
I am not sure what will light the fire under my butt that I need, but I am hoping it hits soon..

In the mean time.. things are changing faster and faster..
the baby is 5 months old, eating up storms and growing so very quickly.. too quickly..
the big one is fresh as ever, she is in the dog eat dog world of kindergarten..
my tree is up, half decorated, half popcorn strung, and a box of ornaments to be fixed.
my bills & paper work are finally caught up -- thank you Kathy for the time with the baby, you tired her right out.. slept 2 whole hours.. AHHH BLISS..
the nights are improving slowly too.. YEAH..
the holiday cards in the starting phases
the big one has been working on projects for the holidays too.. YEAH..

all in all..I am doing OKAY.. still tons and tons to do..

ALSO, I am going to try out for design team at the local scrapbook store.. oh wish me luck..
I need to select and scan 10 projects.. so there might be some work posted on my blog sooner than later.. who knows.. I might win.. (haahahah *insert sarcasm here*)

if I knew better, I would be doing other things, my list is truly HUGE, but right now.. I am enjoying a few moments of rest..

:) Monique

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